jeudi 7 décembre 2017


Marcel PROUST (1871 - 1922)

By the age of nine, Proust had had his first serious asthma attack, and thereafter he was considered a sickly child. Proust spent long holidays in the village of Illiers. This village, combined with recollections of his great-uncle's house in Auteuil, became the model for the fictional town of Combray, where some of the most important scenes of In Search of Lost Time take place. (Illiers was renamed Illiers-Combray in 1971 on the occasion of the Proust centenary celebrations.)

Proust spent the last three years of his life mostly confined to his bedroom, sleeping during the day and working at night to complete his novel. He died of pneumonia and a pulmonary abscess in 1922. He was buried in the Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. [see : Marcel Proust, George D. Painter, chapter 17, the two ways meet, tome II, 1959, 1987]

I)- natal chart

  • ASC ARIES, ruler MA (VI)
  • MO (I)

Morinus gives MO for ALMUTEN. MA (LIBRA) and VE (VIRGO) are detrimental. Moreover, we have quadrature MA-SA, opp JU-SA. MO is well disposed in TAURUS.

2)- primary directions

A)- The 1st direction we are interested in is MA opp SA.

direction promissor significator
# SA conj. MA # SA conj. MA
long 104,43 S W 191,47 S W
lat -0,745 -0,153
AR 105,585 190,488
dec 21,933 -4,682
ha 3,060 1,579
OA 133,040 195,869
dom Campa 102,958 176,177
dom Regio 98,607 174,200
Dom Placidus 96,692 174,501
pôle Regio 9,723 48,721
pôle Campa 9,723 48,721
Pôle Placidus 5,055 47,076
DM D|N D |175,349 - N |4,651 D |90,447 - N |89,55
DA pôle D|N D |40,987 - N |2,041 D |5,751 - N |5,052
DA 27,454 5,381
SA D|N D |117,45 N |62,55 D |84,62 N |95,38
D Horiz 67,20 5,83
Htd* 19,576 14,103
DH** -0,238 -6,350
TS 280,935 18:43:44,333
lat geo, 48,867
eclip 23,456
birth year 1871
event year 1922
*  temporal hour
(= 1/6e Sad)
** horary distance,
(= mundane positions, see Giuseppe Bezza)

- result

D --> M D Regio-Campa 1/AR (0.98) orb -0.22.

weighting factor
Z 0,47
M 0,26
X1 0,00
X2 0,00

B)- The second direction is MO opp SA

direction promissor significator
opp. SA conj. MO opp. SA conj. MO
long 95,7 S E 35,97 S E
lat -0,745 -4,402
AR 96,180 35,129
dec 22,588 9,362
ha 3,225 4,290
OA 124,626 46,010
dom Campa 76,383 9,058
dom Regio 80,946 13,623
Dom Placidus 83,047 15,144
pôle Regio 10,214 48,055
pôle Campa 10,214 48,055
Pôle Placidus 5,266 43,654
DM D|N D |175,245 - N |4,755 D |114,194 - N |65,81
DA pôle D|N D |42,087 - N |2,198 D |12,317 - N |9,05
DA 28,446 10,881
SA D|N D |118,45 N |61,55 D |100,88 N |79,12
D Horiz 56,80 13,31
Htd* 19,741 16,814
DH** 0,241 3,914
TS 280,935 18:43:44,333
lat geo, 48,867
eclip 23,456
birth year 1871
event year 1922
*  temporal hour
(= 1/6e Sad)
** horary distance,
(= mundane positions, see Giuseppe Bezza)

- result

D --> Z D Placidus AR (orb -0.19). Observe that a zodiacal direction is without latitude but with proper direct movement.

Dom Placidus = 8.48° ; so L(z) opp SA = 36.3° TAURUS. Observe that  we compute the Placidus arc with the Boudineau's circle of position (cf. Max Duval, les moyens de pronostic en astrologie).

C)- the 3rd direction is the mundane square SU to SA

1. parameters

2. analysis

3. result

D --> Z D Placidus AR orb -0.37.

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