vendredi 12 mai 2017

Cardano's twelve horoscopes [7]



Hieronymi Cardani (1501-1576)

 7. Cardinal Francesco Sfondrati (né à Crémone, en Lombardie, le 26 octobre 1493, et mort à Crémone le )

 [Cardano, XII, geniturarum, 515, 12h]

 Card. Francisc. Sfondratus (1er novembre 1494, greg.)

Francesco Sfondrati est professeur en droit aux universités de Padoue, Pavia, Bologne, Rome et Turin. Il est conseiller de Charles Quint, qui le nomme comte de Riviera di Lecco en 1537, et gouverneur de Sienne. Il est marié avec Anna Visconti et a sept enfants, dont Niccolò, le futur pape Grégoire XIV. Après la mort de sa femme, il entre dans l'état ecclésiastique. Il devient référendaire au tribunal suprême de la Signature apostolique.
Il est élu évêque de Sarno en 1543 et promu à l'archidiocèse d'Amalfi en 1544. Mgr Francesco Sfondrati est créé cardinal par le pape Paul III lors du consistoire du . Le cardinal Sfondrati est membre de l'Inquisition et légat en Allemagne. Il est transféré au diocèse de Capaccio en 1547 et au diocèse de Crémone en 1549 (avec titre personnel d'archevêque).
Sfondrati participe au conclave de 1549-1550 lors duquel Jules III est élu.

Cardano linked his initial claim firmly to his experience in Milan—"this city"—and dedicated De sapientia, in which the claim appears, to Francesco Sfondrati who had been one of the principal patrons and employers of his medical services there [...] A striking example is provided by Francesco Sfondrati (1493-1550), who served both Francesco
Sforza, the last duke of Milan, and the subsequent Spanish regime until shortly after his (Sfondrati's) wife's death. He then entered the church, was rapidly elevated to the rank of cardinal, and was considered a possible candidate for the papacy on the death of Paul III.60 After his departure for Rome in the early 1540s, Sfondrati could do no more for
Cardano at Milan; [The clock and the mirror, Nancy Siraisi, p. 33, Princeton University Press, 1997]

  •  Jupiter conjonction Vénus ;
  • Alkaid en conjonction avec Mars ; domitude Campanus 310°04'
  • Scale Norte en conjonction avec le Soleil ; domitude Campanus 6°46'
 A noter que l'heure de naissance a été prise directement au comput d'un cadran solaire ; hor. 12 horologium, ce qui correspond à peu près à 6h matin. Par ailleurs, il y a trois jours d'écart entre la date que donne Cardan et celle qui est relevée actuellement (26 octobre).

Through the efforts of Donato Lanza, a druggist,I was introduced to Francesco Sfondrato, a Senator of Cremona, who afterwards became Cardinal. Sfondrato recommended me to a criminal judge, also a native of Cremona, Giambattista Speziano, a man of learning and of singular moral quality. He it was who made me known to the great Alfonso d'Avalos, Governor of the Province of Milan and Commander of the Emperor's forces in the State. By the patronage of Sfondrato, also, I obtained the
chair of medicine at the University of Pavia. [Cardano, De propria Vita, pp. 61-62,1643 trad. Stoner 1930]

L'événement le plus notable de la carrière de Sfondatri est la nomination à l'évêché puis au cardinalat : 1543 et 1544. Deux directions à cette époque : J, V conj Soleil.

Sfondatri meurt en 1550 : D L # Sa (1548). Il s'agit d'une direction miroir.

influence des étoiles :

Alkaid (η Ursa Major)
Cardan believ'd great states depend Upon the tip o'th' bear's tail's end; That as she whisk'd it t'wards
 the sun, Strow'd mighty empires up and down ; Which others say must needs be false, Because your
 true bears have no tails.
[Hudibras, Boteler, 442, London, 1805]

Dr. Young observes, (Sidrophel Vapulans) that Cardan lost his life to save his credit : for 
having predicted the time of his own death, he starved himself to verify it ; or else being suns 
of his art, he took this to be his fatal day, and by those apprehensions made it so. Gassendus 
adds that he pretended exactly to describe the fates of his children in his voluminous commentaries, 
" yet all this while never suspected, from the rules of his great art, that his dearest 
son should be condemned to have his head struck off upon a scaffold by an executioner of  justice,
 for destroying his own wife by poison, in the flower of his youth." 
 this fixed star is supposed to be bound up with the realm of the dead and is therefore associated with death 
and mourning. In an important position in a mundane map,
 Scale norte (β Libra Zubenelschemali)
Great good fortune, high position, transitory difficulties eventually proving beneficial. [Robson, p.203.] 

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