DUNN Grant
Scottish schoolteacher in a private school. Though married to an Italian wife, Dunn had an unrequited love for one of the private students, 19-year-old Emanuela Ferro. In jealousy and frustration, he shot her to death on 5/18/2001 and then shot himself.
Attention is drawn to the conjunction of MO with cauda draconis in the world. MO being in exile and in I, the conjunction of cauda draconis acts as a kind of amplifier of the dissonant character of MO.
We also highlight an MA-SA opposition.
hyleg = MO
alchocoden = ME
primary directions
1)- (m) #MA conj VE
note : Equating arc of directions to time has given rise to many opinions. Some are partisans of a fixed method; others, of variable pitch. It seemed more logical to me - as Max Duval estimated - to try the AR method; Gouchon was more in favor of the EQU step (but SU moves on the ecliptic ...). Recently, I wanted to test the step associated with the equation of time. Of course, it is important not to multiply the possibilities because the chances of success due to chance quickly become exponential. After careful consideration, it therefore seems logical to me to test 3 steps: EQU, AR and EQUTime, with a delta ± 0.5 year. If we scrupulously test the three methods on a hundred cases, perhaps we will be able to retrieve some interesting conclusions?equating arc to time
You see that EQUTi < 0.5 Y.
2)- (m) □MO conj SA
equating arc to time
Here, we see that key AR is valid, as ΔAR 0.31 Y. Moreover, see that minΔ Campa (see result) is -0.08°. We note that our protocol must associate a Δmin Campa (or Placidus) <= 0.5 ° and at the same time a Δ (EQU, AR, EQUTime) <= 0.5Y. Our goal is to refine this Δ (equating) in order to observe whether we can favor an 'one and only' conversion step (but variable).
3)- □MO conj MA
We see, here, that both minΔ Campa (0.41) and Δ EQUTime (0.13) are in approval.