Mundane - zodiacal - primary directions - parallels -counter-parallels - in zodiaco mundane parallels - placidus - regiomontanus - campanus - goldmayer - hyleg - alchocoden - maginus - clinica astrologia - tasyir - soli-lunar phase -
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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est pof-lune. Afficher tous les articles
lundi 21 mai 2018
Gennaro, Prince of Naples and Sicily
The luminaries can't be hyleg (SU II, but it seems that Al-Qabisi don't forbid II, provided SU is in a masculine sign. The chart is nocturnal but MO can't be hyleg because it is cadent. Ptolemy in this case invites to look for the hyleg between the ASC and the part of fortune, as long as one or the other is aspected by one of its dignities. This is not the case for ASC (see also Dorotheus,Carmen astrologicum, III.2 as quoted by Deborah Houlding). Now you have to analyse the two remaining possibilities: Part of fortune (POF) and SYGYZY.
3. result
3. result
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