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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est rapt-parallel method. Afficher tous les articles

mercredi 27 décembre 2017

Louis XVI

Louis XVI

Louis XVI  (23 August 1754 – 21 January 1793), born Louis-Auguste, was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. He was referred to as Citizen Louis Capet during the final weeks of his life. In 1765, at the death of his father, Louis, son and heir apparent of Louis XV, Louis-Auguste became the new Dauphin of France. Upon his grandfather's death on 10 May 1774, he assumed the title "King of France and Navarre", which he used until 4 September 1791, when he received the title of "King of the French" until the monarchy was abolished on 21 September 1792. Louis XVI was guillotined on 21 January 1793.

I)- natal chart

  • ASC VIRGO, ruler ME (XII)
  • MC GEMINI, ruler ME
  • conj SU-JU with JU Cazimi
  • MA I, VIRGO - quadrature VE, SA - // MO-SA
Morinus gives MA for ALMUTEN. MO is detrimental.


II) primary directions

A)- coronation 1775

D = AO(JU) - AO(ASC) = 21.32° (it is a converse direction of JU).

B)- 1789 : French revolution

D1 = AR(SA) - AR(MC) = 34.398° -
D2 = AR(MO) - AR(MC) = 34.569° -

We have two important directions that coincide at this time, one by direct arc on the MC (SA) and the other by converse action (MO). This simultaneous intervention is registered at birth since MO and SA are in //; IC is therefore the mundane Mi-popint of the two planets.

C)- 1793 : Imprisonment, execution and burial, 1792–1793

1)- # ME conj SU, JU

 - parameters

 - analysis

 - result

The arc is : Regio-Campa C #ME conj JU = 149.05° LEO (orb 0.04).

2)- Rp || MA-MO

To compute the Rp, we need first the mundane mid-point of MA and MO.

- dom Campa MO = 55.55° (with proper movment of 1.509°)
- dom Campa MA = 6.52°
- mundane Mid-Pt = 31.04° (55.55/2 + 6.52/2)

The L(Z) of Mid-Pt = 196.22° LIBRA.
Then we compute the arc between the ASC and the Mid-Pt and it is the Rp MO || MA.

- parameters

- analysis

As we see, we have another Goldmayer + in that kind of direction.

- result

 The arc is : Rp conj ASC with orb 0.01. So we have a precise MA || MO Rp in 1793.

3)- # MA conj VE

We have, too, another arc : #MA conj VE

- parameters

- analysis

- result

D --> Z C Placidus EQU orb 0.21 with L(z) #MA = 186.75° LIBRA but we have too the D Regio-Campa VE conj #MA (orb -0.11) with L(z) VE conv. = 156.8° VIRGO. (Incidentally, it is a Campanus one, with a domitude = 353.6°).

4)- MO conj VE

Given that we have Rp MA || MO, we deduce that MO conj MA. Here is a check:

- parameters

- analysis

- result

D --> Z C Regio-Campa EQU orb -0.29 with L(z) VE = 218.9° VIRGO.


We see no less than 4 # and a Rp around the ASC in 1793, a period that coincides with the arrest and execution of Louis XVI. No other period of his theme could have given such an accumulation of worrying directions.

dimanche 10 septembre 2017





See François Ier. [Placidus, PM, 139 22h37 ; Junctinus, SA, 489a 21h44 - Gauricus, TA 22h26 - Card 463 21h40,  Garcaeus, 375, 9h45 PM]

  • ASC GEMINI- (but I covers also CANCER)
  • MA opp MC
Morinus gives ME for ALMUTEN. JU is detrimental. So the JU-SU conjunction must be less favourable than usual. So :


1)- ME conj MA

The direction that interests us is ME conj MA (1548).

 - parameters

direction promissor significator
C ME conj. MA ME conj. MA
long 204,19 S W 143,71 S W
lat -2,492 1,262
AR 201,451 146,478
dec -11,720 14,843
ha 2,159 3,118
OA 189,177 130,721
dom Campa 147,224 92,646
dom Regio 137,328 91,849
Dom Placidus 139,561 91,633
pôle Regio 36,995 1,894
pôle Campa 36,995 1,894
Pôle Placidus 29,567 1,079
DM D|N D |123,68 - N |56,32 D |178,653 - N |1,35
DA pôle D|N D |19,532 - N |6,759 D |26,618 - N |0,286
DA 12,274 15,757
SA D|N D |77,73 N |102,27 D |105,76 N |74,24
D Horiz 158,59 72,9
Htd* 17,046 12,374
DH** 3,304 0,109
TS 325,131 21:40:31,467
lat geo, 45,700
eclip 23,503
birth year 1494
event year 1547
*  temporal hour
(= 1/6e Sad)
** horary distance,
(= mundane positions, see Giuseppe Bezza)

- results

 We have two mundane primary directions, in D Regio-Campa and Placidus. 1  fictitious direction in Goldmayer Regio. That's to say  : without latitude of promissor (ME), we don't have any primary direction in this case.

2)- SU opp ASC

As we say before, it appears that conjunction between SU and JU is unfavorable. At the time of decubitus, we have the following direction :

OA (SU) - OA (DSC) = 52.8°. (53.6° Naibod).

3) #ME conj SA

It is therefore to have a look to the ray #ME conj SA, because it coincides with //MA conj ME. We have first to compute the zodiacal longitude of #ME. The #ME has a Campanus domitude of 212.78°. So the Lz (#ME) = 293.317° CAPRI. Then, we compute the conjunction between SA and #ME. 

- parameters

direction promissor significator
long 339,77 N E 293,22 N W
lat -2,211 0,000
AR 342,175 295,067
dec -9,972 -21,500
ha -0,297 0,525
OA 331,795 271,261
dom Campa 298,409 212,775
dom Regio 290,695 222,672
Dom Placidus 289,266 229,124
pôle Regio 19,907 36,996
pôle Campa 19,907 36,996
Pôle Placidus 12,436 25,466
DM D|N D |17,044 - N |162,956 D |30,064 - N |149,94
DA pôle D|N D |2,222 - N |16,851 D |10,812 - N |31,364
DA 10,38 23,806
SA D|N D |79,62 N |100,38 D |66,19 N |113,81
D Horiz 62,58 96,26
Htd* 13,27 11,032
DH** -1,284 2,725
TS 325,131 21:40:31,467
lat geo, 45,700
eclip 23,503
birth year 1494
event year 1547
*  temporal hour
(= 1/6e Sad)
** horary distance,
(= mundane positions, see Giuseppe Bezza)

- result

We have 2 primary directions and 1 fictitious (duplicates are removed).

 3)- ME conj // MA

We have first to compute the zodiacal longitude of //MA. The //MA has a Campanus domitude of 87.47°. Lz(//MA) = 141.36° LEO. Compute the direction ME conj //MA.

- parameters

direction promissor significator
C ME // MA ME // MA
long 204,19 S W 141,44 S E
lat -2,492 0,000
AR 201,451 143,829
dec -11,720 14,394
ha 2,159 3,164
OA 189,177 128,581
dom Campa 147,224 87,472
dom Regio 137,328 88,234
Dom Placidus 139,561 88,433
pôle Regio 36,995 1,809
pôle Campa 36,995 1,809
Pôle Placidus 29,567 1,035
DM D|N D |123,68 - N |56,32 D |178,698 - N |1,3
DA pôle D|N D |19,532 - N |6,759 D |25,89 - N |0,266
DA 12,274 15,248
SA D|N D |77,73 N |102,27 D |105,25 N |74,75
D Horiz 158,59 73,45
Htd* 17,046 12,459
DH** 3,304 -0,104
TS 325,131 21:40:31,467
lat geo, 45,700
eclip 23,503
birth year 1494
event year 1547
*  temporal hour
(= 1/6e Sad)
** horary distance,
(= mundane positions, see Giuseppe Bezza)

 - results

 We have 3 primary directions and also 3 fictitious.  The mean year is 1546.17 ; Morinus with the key PTO mark : 1551-1553.

These results correspond to the following directed chart :

Note that these directions can not be highlighted with the PTO key. In the present case, the AR key it makes it possible to uncover them. :

key conversion PTO AR EQU
v So 1 0,898 0,983
1/v So
1,11 1,02
0,898 0,983

The table shows that the key AR is actually 0.898. 

4)-  first King of France from the Angoulême branch of the House of Valois, reigning from 1515 until his death : 1515.

Compute Rp MO || SU.

 - first, find domitudes of MO and SU ; then compute mid-point Lz ; calculate the direction in AR between mid-point and MC-IC axis or in OA, between ASC-DSC axis. 
We find : D = 21.03° with REGIO method.

Actually, we have the key convert :
key convert Life year conv, year

0,898 (AR) 18,86 1 512,86 18 an(s), 10 mois et 7 jour(s
0,983 (EQU) 20,63 1 514,63 20 an(s), 7 mois et 17 jour(s

jeudi 7 septembre 2017

CORBETTA Gualtiero



CORBETTA Gualterio

1)- introduction

He was born in Milan at the end of the 15th century by Innocenzo, whose family, originally from the Lombardy region of Corbetta, belonged to the nobility of Milan.After receiving a first humanist training, C. devoted himself to law studies, studying Andrea Alciato. In the works of Alciato, the name of C. returns with a certain frequency, like that of a disciple and a collaborator of confidence. Thus, Alciato calls it "utriusque nostrum amatissimus" in the dedication letter of his Contra vitamin monasticam to Bernardum Mattiam of 1514-1517 (Lugduni 1695), while in that of the books Pnaetermissorum, senator and jurist Iacopo Minuzio (Mediolani 1519 ) mentions him as a minor preacher for the Greek language and as "allevene nobilissimus et mihi commerce studiorum perquam carus" (Barni, 226). The result of this collaboration is an unprecedented commentary to the Aristophanes' Clouds, which Alciato translates from Greek into Latin verses, dedicated to Senator Milanese Minuzio Taegio. [...]C. also collected old codex and classic editions. In a letter to F. Calvo (Bourges, September 5, 1530), of Alciato, mentioning the trip that C. had just made to visit him and bring him news, mentions a "oratio Ciceronis in L. Pisoneni integrates ... quam opinor est editurus ", property of C. (Barni, p.121). As far as we know, this edition has not been published. [...]Meanwhile, C. graduated from law school and graduated with a law degree. In 1524, he was legally admitted to the Niyanese College of Jurors Consultants. The following year, as an official lecturer in Milan, he pronounced the funeral prayer in the church of S. Domenico in Naples for the death of Ferrante d'Avalos, the Marquis of Pescara (Giovio, p. ...] C. Worked actively as a member of the Board, as the speeches of members and the minutes of the meetings were retained and published. He himself delivered a speech for the assunzione at the College of GB Castiglioni, who came to the head of the Orationes VI pro co-optation at the Collegium Iurisconsultorum, published in Lyon in 1547 with the preface by G. Monti dedicated to G. Casati . The 7th week. In 1534, C. was appointed senator and, from 1535 to 1537, he became patrician magistrate of the Sixty decurions of Milan; As representative of the Eastern Gate, he was also assigned to the Ducal Chancellery. In politics, C. had a philosophical attitude, the most obvious indication being the funeral prayer which he pronounced in the cathedral for the death of Francis II Sforza in November 1535 (published, with devotion to Massimiliano Stampa, entitled Oratio lived in the funeral dictation Francisci II Sfortiae, sl 1535).After a brief mention of the misfortune that seems to persecute the Sforza family, C. has a brief history.
Despite political activity, C. still found time to devote himself to scholarly studies and eloquence, and to cultivate his high relationships. So it was in connection with the medical doctor Comasco F. Cigalini (Monti, 191), and in 1536 he and his colleague Sfondrato auna dined in Borromeo, where he assisted, probably intervening in favor of the first, in the discussion between Andrea Alciato and Paolo Giovio about some points in the history of the second.

C: he died still young in Milan in 1537.

He was lamented and praised by the Earl in an epigram still unpublished (Argelati, II, 462), while G. B. Schiafenati wrote in his memory a sobriety and comforting consolation for his brother, Ilarion. Of this, Benedictine monk, we know he took the vows on Feb. 24. 1515, he was a scholar of theology, philosophy, jurisprudence as well as classical literature, and wrote many works that have been lost or never published (Armellini, pp. 224-226). It is not to be attributed, however, to Kristeller's (Iter Italicum, II, p. 583) erroneously, the "Mediolanensium lithium to [Carolum V] for Corbetam compositae", which can be attributed to the activity of the well known panegirist. []

It seems that Corbetta gives Cardano his own geniture.

'Horologij' seems to mean italic hours using dials. Unlike modern dials, Italic Time – also known as “Ave Maria” or “Italian Time” – has a single hand moving round the dial anti-clockwise and the 24th hour is not midnight but the hour of sunset, from which the counting of the hours starts. Therefore the clock must be adjusted throughout the year so that the last hour of the day is always the hour of sunset. In present case, the birth hour is 6 AM, june 13, 1495 (Gregorian).

  • ASC CANCER, ruler MO (V, conj MA in SCORPIO) ;
  • MC PISCES, ruler JU (IV) ; SA (X) SCORPIO
SU and MO can't be HYLEG.
Morinus compute ALMUTEN :  JU. (with MA near). SU is weak (cadent house) and MO weak also.

- fixed stars

- Betelgeuse (apparent conjonction with SU) dom Campanus 355° mundane conj with VE ( Interest in and ability for occult and mystical subjects, acute diseases, fevers, honor and preferment ending in final ruin. [Robson, p.147.]) ;
Zubeneschamali (Scala Norte) (apparent conjonction with MA), dom Campanus 136°10' (Active mind, organizing ability, benefits through new and influential friends, valuable gifts, uses friends' names to obtain money but matter is amicably settled, high position, Robson, p. 204)

2)- rapt-parallels

In 1524, we have a carrier promotion : it coincides with the Rp MO || JU. 

- result

We see that for a low age, the results are rather homogeneous. We find Rp = 29.02° in Placidus (a result not very different from the Morinus software: 28.93 °). The table makes it possible to see the corresponding Rp for a given difference of domitude at a rapt-parallel for the ASC-DSC axis and the MC-IC axis. We have sometime to adjust with + 360° if necessary.

In 1535, we have another carrier promotion, with a Rp VE || JU. This is a converse Rp that is established on the MC / IC axis. D = 38.9 ° (Morinus indicates 36.01 °).

3)- directions

In 1535, we find in the natal chart of mundane directions a train characteristic of directions:
C SU opp MA
C MO opp SA
Rp SU || SA

We see that the birth chart of Gualtiero Corbetta presented at the time of his death (1537), that is to say at 3:47 min of his birth (!) an impressive train of characteristic directions.  

a) Rp SU || SA

We have two Rp in 1535, in Campanus D = 38.24 ° and Placidus (D = 39.23 °).
recall: the table shows the set of parallels according to the ASC-DSC axis and the MC-IC axis; for the three main systems of houses (Campanus, Regio and Placidus); the method consists by first computing the mundane mid-point between promissor and significator; then computing the direction in AO with respect to the ASC or AR in relation to the MC. The corresponding longitudes are also computed; 'Fictitious' Rp have been developed which allow for statistical comparisons. For exemple, in this case, we have actually 3 Rp et 0 fictitious.

The fictitious Rp are computed with the AR, AO and Symbolic arcs. The key factors are the same that we used for the mundane et zodiacal directions.

b)- MO opp SA

- parameters

- results

We find 2  Placidus directions between opp SA and MO. And also 3 fictitious directions.

c)- SU opp MA

This direction is calculated by the opposition of Mars, for convenience (Placidus East).

- parameters

- results

overall results- primary and mundane Rp

0 C Regio Campa 1
4 D Placidus 4
1 D Regio Campa
0 C Placidus

C SU opp MA

2 D – AR 2
0 AO 0
0 Gold Regio 0
0 Gold Placid 0
2 Symb 2


1 Campa 3
0 Regio 1
1 Placidus 1

The table above represents the summary of the results for a direction: it is SU opp MA; we see the number of aspects obtained in the method Regiomontanus and Campanus, in Placidus method and the corresponding Rapt-parallels in mundo.
recall : Gold means Goldmayer, cf. anterior section.

mardi 5 septembre 2017





1)- introduction

The year of birth of Fazio Cardano is incertain: 1444 or 1445? We are therefore placed in a situation where we must make a bet on the validity of the rules of astrology. We will therefore consider the two occurrences and establish a diagnosis of presumption. In any case, Jérôme Cardan gave the theme of his father in De exemplis Centum Geniturarum [in opera omnia, vol. 5, p. 460] and in Hieronymi Cardani medici Mediolalnensis, Libelli quinque [p. 106] : july 25, 1445 (Gregorian) at 8h40 AM (i.e. 3h20).

My father Fazio was a jurisconsult. My grandfather was Antonio, my great-grandfather another Fazio, my grcat-great-grandfather, Aldo. The first Fazio, my great-grandfather, had three sons: Giovanni, Aldo II and Antonio who became my grandfather. The sons of Antonio were Got-tardo, Paolo, a jurisconsult and prelate, Fazio, my father, and an illegitimate son named Paolo. Now there are alive, from the same family, almost thirty kinsmen. Whether, however, the family of the Cardani is a line in itself, or whether, as certain people think, it is a branch of the Castiglioni, surely it has been both noble and ancient. From the year 1189 a Milonc Cardano was prefect of Milan for seven years and eight months by the ecclesiastical as well as the civil calendar. And he presided not only at civil suits, but even, like other Chiefs of State, at criminal trials; he had charge, also, of cases in other cities which were under Milanese jurisdiction; and cases throughout the whole region. Among these cities was Como. Milone had secured this high post of honor through the Archbishop Crivelli when the latter had been hurriedly advanced to the Pontificate as Pope Urban III.

There are those who would like to have it that Francesco Cardano, leader of the military troop of Matteo Visconti, belongs to our branch of the family. If we arc a branch of the Castiglioni, however, we are still more illustrious because of Pope Celestino IV who sprang from this same stock.

All our forebears have, moreover, been longevous. The sons of the first Fazio lived ninety-four, eighty-eight and eighty-six years. The two sons of Giovanni, my great-uncle, were Antonio, who lived eighty-eight years, and Angiolo who lived ninety-six years. As a boy I saw this decrepit old man. Giacomo, an only son of the second Aldo, passed seventy-two years. Gottardo, my paternal uncle, lived eighty-four years, and him also I saw. My father lived eighty years. That cousin Angiolo, the one who reached his ninety-sixth year, begot sons—infants feeble as if with their father’s senility—even when he himself was in his eightieth year, and after his eightieth year he recovered his sight. The eldest of these sons has lived to be seventy, and I hear that some of his children became giants; indeed, I saw some of them long ago.

There were, besides, from the family of the Micheri (my mother Chiara’s family), my grandfather Giacomo, who lived seventy-five years and his brother Angiolo who was in his eighty-fifth year when I was a little boy. He himself told me so. [excerpt from De Vita propria liber (The Book of my life), translates by Jean Staner 1929.]

2)- natal chart

The natal chart is characterized by a close conjunction VE-SA (I), ASC CANCER (ruler MO VI); SU I. But I do not see how this aspect of the sky could be compatible with a life as long as that of Fazio.The primary directions seem to indicate a death nearly 30 years... If we consider the year 1444, the aspect of the natal chart changes completely.
Let us therefore assume that Fazio was born in 1444, which seems accredited by many documents (but Cardano compute the geniture for 1445 ...).

  •  ASC CANCER, ruler MO (I) and SU (I).
  • MC PISCES, ruler JU (CANCER), conj. SA
  • ALMUTEN (Morinus) : MO

We have two major dates for Fazio, including that of his meeting with his wife, Girolamo's mother. It was about 1498: Fazio was then 53 years old. The other date is that of his death: 1524.

3) primary directions

A)- 1498

 We have to compute the parallel rapt MO || JU which occurs around 52 years. This is the very type of direction that occurs when forming a couple. This was the case for Fazio, since he lived in concubinage with Chiara Micheri, future mother of Girolamo. Morinus finds Rp MO || VE at 53.8 ° (PTO), corresponding to 1498.

Here we see all the Rp between MO and VE for the three types of domitude. We have computed this RP according to the MO motion (2.201° for 52 years) and to the latitude of MO.
Note that we have another way of calculating rapt-parallel: mean that the designer of Morinus seems to have used, by reference to the algorithms of Makranski: it is to consider VE as significator and to direct ASC as promissor. And we find therefore :

C Regio Campa 47,116
D Placidus 53,228
D Regio Campa 53,228
C Placidus 45,06

Recall : Morinus 53.8° for Placidus. We find 56.46° with Campa and 53.19 with Regio (PTO).

B)- 1524

At the time of the death of Fazio, two world divisions are in orb: C MA conj MO and C VE conj. SA.

1)- compute MA conj MO

 a) - parameters

b)- results

As you can see, we have only one direction that is compatible with the date. From  mundane regio-Campa 76.98°. And the date is actually 1523.73. However, I must point out that these results are not complete. The following table supplements these incomplete data, not so much because of the method employed as for the formulation of the orb and the keys employed.

c) reflections about results 

As we see the orb of the key AR is tightened significantly [0.99-1.01]. If we practice, by way of example, the analysis of this direction without latitude, we obtain the following table, quite different:

  The absence of latitude leads to a shift of the aspects below the key of Ptolemy.

 2)-#MO conj MA

The zodiacal directions are marked by a converse conjunction of #MO to MA and especially rarely, by a conjunction of two #, due to the Moon's proper motion: #MO conj #SA.
Let's see the first direction:

- parameters 

 - results

 We observe two arcs of direction in mundane Placidus.

3)- compute #MO conj #SA

Take MO = 12°53'17' SAGIT and SA = 15°29'07" SAGIT ; sum L MO and proper motion : 3.261. You will havean arc of D = 0.6° between MO and SA. So, it is a true secondary direction by proper motion of MO.