mercredi 30 décembre 2020

Local mundane (3) examples of Hindemith (2) Ravel (2)


See the precedent article on the composer :

 I began some time ago to study directions on the local sphere, using Max Duval's method. The interest of this method is that the converses directions disappear, something impossible with any other method of direction (except the symbolic directions ...)

We see here the natal chart with Regiomontanus domification ; see the conjunction MA-SA and the conjunction SU-MO.

The direction on which to focus is : square VE conj {MA-SA} :

The theme is almost inverted, the zodiac being variable while the domification system is normalized.

These results have, I repeat, as origin, the very original work of Max DUVAL, in Les Moyens de pronostic en astrologie (Editions Traditionnelles, 1985). The diagram seen above is the most logical and simplest representation of a zodiacal converse direction from the concept of mobile primum (but the term converse but the term concept no longer exists in this figure... If we try to recognize this direction in the classic zodiac figure, this is what we get:

See the (m) square MA at 138.56° which gives a Regio domitude of 21.2. See now an other view of the local mundane direction :

We see that the PM is square MA and that the PF is VE.

Now take the year of death : 68 Y and convert to Naibod key: 4h 25 min. So, when the death occurs, time is : 1h 55 min the 17 of November. The natal chart becomes :

and we see that the Regio domitude of VE is : 22.17. Thus, it is perfectly understood that only the mobile primum is responsible so that the domitude of VE has become practically equal to the domitude of the square of MA.


Same case with Ravel :

 We observe a local direction  :square MA conjunction VE :

for year 1934 : at this date, Ravel was already ill (recall : probably Corticobasal degeneration).

and we have the same indirect representation as Hindemith :

We have another direction for Ravel on local sphere : square SA conj (SU,MO)

Note that hyleg is not easy to find in Ravel's natal chart ; it is not SU nor MO (cb) ; we purpose syzygy (NM) and the alchocoden is MA. 

Have a look to the natal chart :


note that even (death) is not 1935 but 1937. Syzygy is shown as a shaded circle near MO.


Notice the curious coincidence in the arrangement of the planets between the natal chart of Hindemith and Ravel (SU, MO, VE and JU).

vendredi 25 décembre 2020



Gradually, it seems to us that the best way to represent the natal chart is the mundane form. Without going over the uncertainty of the birth time of the nativity below (Henry II), it is instructive to examine the zodiacal parallels, especially those of MO, VE, and SU, in link with their conjunction with SA. For that, we take the Max DUVAL work and add a zodiacal representation that which allows to get an idea of an intuitive representation of the diurnal movement which is at the base of the primary directions: one realizes thus that certain primary directions (pronounced in particular by modern astrologers, are clearly meaningless).



We see the direction (z) #MO conj SA ; notice that #MO is with no latitude : so it is a contra-antiscia.


HYLEG = SU (Ex in ARI)

ALCHO = VE [but with the dynamic house, it is therefore in XII]

So, we have the table :