lundi 13 novembre 2017



(Roma, 28 agosto 1556 – Roma, 3 dicembre 1615) è stato un cardinale e vescovo cattolico italiano.

[Argoli, 176]

Pope Clement VIII made him a cardinal in the consistory of 9 June 1604. He participated in the conclave of 1605, which Leone XI and Paul V. In the same year, on 1 June he received the title of Saint Crisogono, which on August 17th replaced with that of San Clemente, who will hold until January 7, 1613 when he will choose for the title of Santa Prisca.

I)- natal chart

  • ASC ARIES, ruler MA (V, LEO)
  • SA I, close to ASC
  • MC CAPRI, ruler SA (I)
  • opposition SA-VE on the axis ASC-DSC
Morinus gives JU for ALMUTEN ; so the ALCOCODEN seems to be MA.


SA is detrimental (ARIES)

II)- primary directions

A)- cardinal 1604

We have a converse direction of JU to MC :

D = |ARm - TS| = 236.489°- 284.202° = 47.71°

Observe in the diagram that the MC is not directed. It is a converse arc of JU.

B)- exitus 1615

It is interesting to show the diagram of the mundane directions first: two directions intervene at the time of the death: MO # SA and SA opp MA.

A)- MO # SA

In this case, because SA is too closed ASC, we must compute a zodiacal direct direction.

This diagram is strictly  analog to the above mundane chart.

direction promissor significator
# SA conj. MO # SA conj. MO
long 19,69 N E 91,09 S E
lat 2,739 2,706
AR 17,118 91,215
dec 10,256 26,200
ha 4,662 3,368
OA 26,455 117,398
dom Campa 355,254 60,484
dom Regio 353,636 67,145
Dom Placidus 354,182 71,684
pôle Regio 41,707 19,203
pôle Campa 41,707 19,203
Pôle Placidus 40,004 10,687
DM D|N D |92,916 - N |87,084 D |167,013 - N |12,99
DA pôle D|N D |8,734 - N |10,081 D |37,638 - N |5,328
DA 9,337 26,183
SA D|N D |99,34 N |80,66 D |116,18 N |63,82
D Horiz 6,42 50,83
Htd* 16,556 10,636
DH** 5,612 -1,221
TS 284,202 18:56:48,533
lat geo, 41,883
eclip 23,498
birth year 1556
event year 1615
*  temporal hour
(= 1/6e Sad)
** horary distance,
(= mundane positions, see Giuseppe Bezza)

- result

The effciient direction is D = 58.87 (Regio-Campa EQU 1.087).

B)- MA opp SA

direction promissor significator
D MA opp. SA D MA opp. SA
long 125,97 S W 204,15 S W
lat 1,129 -2,706
AR 128,656 201,329
dec 19,919 -11,901
ha 2,715 1,446
OA 147,618 212,222
dom Campa 133,528 182,789
dom Regio 125,268 176,257
Dom Placidus 120,981 176,640
pôle Regio 27,374 41,823
pôle Campa 27,374 41,823
Pôle Placidus 17,417 40,815
DM D|N D |155,546 - N |24,454 D |82,874 - N |97,13
DA pôle D|N D |27,069 - N |6,527 D |11,412 - N |10,487
DA 18,962 10,893
SA D|N D |108,96 N |71,04 D |79,11 N |100,89
D Horiz 95,49 3,77
Htd* 11,84 16,816
DH** 2,065 5,776
TS 284,202 18:56:48,533
lat geo, 41,883
eclip 23,498
birth year 1556
event year 1615
*  temporal hour
(= 1/6e Sad)
** horary distance,
(= mundane positions, see Giuseppe Bezza)

- result

D = 59.489° C Placidus. 2 fictitious Goldmayer Regio and Placidus.

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