mercredi 18 septembre 2024

 SIBLY Ebenezer

There is a series of small monographs - often unintentionally humorous (sic) - in the journal 'Modern Astrology' (series the Astrologers magazine, vol II, 1891-1892, pp. 363-365) particularly on the life of Sibly; we give it below with annotations.

EBENEZER SIBLY, whose horoscope is given above, was born when the 17th degree (1) of the celestial sign Gemini ascended. The nativity was drawn by himself, and as I have no Ephemeris for the year of his birth, I cannot check the figure,  although there is no doubt but that it is correct. The chief points to be noted are the Sun, Mercury and Venus being posited in Aquarius in the tenth house, Uranus being in Capricorn in the ninth (2). Mars and Saturn are in the seventh house in Sagittarius, and Jupiter on the threshold of Taurus in the twelfth house, whilst the Moon in Leo in the fourth is in opposition to the three planets in the tenth house (3). Mercury is the native's significator, and is opposed by the Moon; this denotes a sarcastic disposition, a hatred of any kind of control, but as Venus is so near Mercury, (the latter partakes of the nature of Venus), it may mitigate it a trifle, yet it must not be forgotten that Luna opposes Venus like wise. The scientific sign Aquarius on the M.C., and Uranus in
Capricorn in the ninth (house of science) denote he had ability, but his judgment was faulty, for Uranus is afflicted, having no benefic aspect. His chief work, " An illustration of the Occult Sciences," (4) gives abundant proof of this. It is a work comprising about 1000 pages, dealing with Astrology, black and white magic, witchcraft, &c. In this work he gives the effects which are supposed to emanate from the sextile and trine of the Sun and Mercury, which could only have existed in his brain, as they are never more than 28° apart. But more than this, in the calculation of George Wichell's nativity,(5) the directions whereof are calculated in detail by the Ptolemaic and Placidian methods, he gives for the native's death the direction of the Sun to the opposition of the Part of Fortune ! Our readers are by this time cognisant of the fact that we have not the slightest faith in either the Part of Fortune or the Dragon's Head and Tail. (It will be noticed he has inserted the three ☋ ☊ ⊕ in his own horoscope). For death to emanate from a solar direction to a point in the heavens where no planet was posited is manifestly absurd,(6) to say the least of it. At the time Sibly judged Mr. Wichell's natus, he must have been under very strange influences. Another point in Sibly's natus that attention must be drawn to is the seventh house. I have no hesitation in saying that, from the fact of Mars and Saturn being there, his married life was a very evil one, and I am of opinion that it was unbearable, and that separations were resorted to. More than one alliance (or mesalliance) is shown, and as the seventh also represents public enemies, he had plenty of crosses put in his way by his opponents. He has a fixed sign on his M.C., with his significator therein, hence his name will last, but his works will not be held in the estimation he may have desired they should. His finances had many ups and downs, for although the Moon, who rules his second, is applying to the trine of Jupiter, the latter planet is afflicted by Mars, Saturn and Herschell,
yet at same time in good aspect to Venus and Mercury. The good that came from the latter was entirely killed by the heavy affliction  of the malefics. Sibly's " Illustration " was issued in parts at a time when no important works on Astrology were produced, and  there is no doubt it gave an impetus to the science, and when Raphael, Zadkiel and Wilson (7) came upon the scene it must have impressed
them in some way. A great quantity of the contents are copied from other authors, but the work is of interest, as it contains numerous  horoscopes of the Kings and Queens of England, notable men of past ages, astrologers, dwarfs, giants, twins, numbers of horary figures,  and many other curious things connected with Astrology ; and amongst other matters, gives the rules for raising the spirits of the dead ! His book must have caused many who were ignorant of Astrology to study it, for it is very interesting reading ; therefore, for this reason alone, he deserves the thanks of those who are students of Astrology.
(1) the 13th degree
(2) We remind you that Uranus (Herschell) does not appear on our traditional theme
(3) Importantly, luminaries opposition is always a consideration when examining lifespan
(4) Sibly published the 'New and Complete Illustration of the Celestial Science of Astrology' in four volumes, from 1784
(5) theme is taken from 'A new and complete illustration of the occult science...' by Ebenezer SIBLY, published in London
in 1740 in four parts. It is in 'An illustration of astrology' pp 618-791 that SIBLY expands on the astral figure of Mr. Witchell
in an analysis rarely seen elsewhere of 173 pages!
(6) We would be entitled to write similarly aspects or parallels... the lot of fortune (⊕) is nothing other than the lunar ascendant as Marco Fumagalli so rightly reminds us (cf. 'Il calcolo delle sorti secondo Placido', Linguaggio Astrale 103, June 1996  and 'La sorte oraria, il vero oroscopo lunare.' (Phôs 2, giugno 2001) - cf. also Louis Barthou with comments about the subject of ⊕)
(7) Raphael (Robert Cross Smith, 1795-1832) ; Zadkiel I (Richard James Morrison, 1795-1874) mentioned by Henri Selva in his 'domification', p. 34 ; James Wilson (author of The Dictionary of Astrology, 1819)

The birth, January 30, 1751, is OS; the NS corresponds to February 10, 1751 (11 days difference).
( The Calendar (New Style) Act 1750 was passed to ensure alignment with the rest of Europe, but made no reference to Gregory.

SIBLY Ebenezer
30 Jan 1751 JUL    CAL
wednesday JUL
 | lat 51° 30' 0" | N 0°10' W
natal (bt) 13 h 30 min
raas-rams :23h 45' 15"
reckoned bt Lat --> lmt 11 h 24 min
tu 11h 24' 0"
tsn 20h 43' 45"
timezone  : 0
DST : 0 (-)
Equation of time -0h 14' 44"
ΔT 0h 0' 14"

HYLEG – ALCHOCODEN – domification ,
We will first look for the somatic factors of the theme: hyleg and alchocoden. We see that MO is in X, well positioned in TAU (Exaltation) in a tropical zodiac. In the sidereal zodiac, it is in ARI (Peregrine). In global position, SA is in TRI aspect with MO and in dignity of TERM. In this occurrence, MO is HYLEG and SA is ALCHOCODEN. In zodiac position, JU is in TRI aspect with MO but has no dignity. The scope of this information depends on whether or not MO is hyleg and alchocoden at the same time because MO is in TAU. According to tradition, when the hyleg is SU or MO and does not have an aspect with another planet, this is the case. So it seems that here MO cannot be considered both hyleg and alchocoden.
In the upper chart we see that the nativity is diurnal (or nocturnal) and the moon is waxing (waning). This immediately makes it possible to orient the search for the hyleg towards SU or MO. We then seek the point which is both in Ptolemaic aspect and in dignity with the hyleg. This is the alchocoden. In the lower table, information is given on the alchocoden point (including dignity, power, retrograde, the house situation and especially the important fact of knowing if the alchocoden point is within 5° of the next cusp, in which case it must be removed (or added if he is retrograde) a certain number of degrees (life points). Finally, it may be necessary to add points depending on the place of JU and VE in relation to the upper meridian or the rising.


In our research, we hypothesised that the mundane chart alone should be considered; also we must base on the aspects taken in the semiarcs the research of the degrees likely to be considered in the duration of the life.
In the case of SIBLY Ebenezer we have the table above which allows us to estimate the breakdown of aspects between the different planets and the alchocoden.
When considering a theme, the first thing is to observe whether it is diurnal or nocturnal. In the case of SIBLY Ebenezer, it is DIURNAL.
In this case, the first point to check is SU. If  SU is well disposed, it can claim 1st stage to be HYLEG.

SU is D and therefore seems weak, with a dignity score of [0],
But, when we look for the dignities that appear in the zodiacal inscription of POF, we find none.
we find at least one aspect to match with the dignities
We'll see later what we get when we search for mundane dignities.
Now that we know that we cannot consider SU as hyleg, we are left with MO but we don't find any aspect to match with the dignities,,,

Now that we doubt to take MO as hyleg, we are left with the choice of ASC and that of POF. It is the way in which is laid out MO which will indicate the choice to us. If MO is waxing, we take ASC for hyleg ; if MO is waning, we take POF for hyleg,
It turns out that MO is waning; so we will take POF,

Now we must look for the alchocoden: it is the planet which has the maximum dignity with regard to the hyleg and which exchanges a Ptolemaic aspect with the hyleg.
if we consider the MUNDANE system, we observe a opposition aspect of JU.
At the same time, it appears that JU has  dignity of TRI over POF.
So we have two possibilities with our hypothesis : first choose POF for hyleg ; second choose the MUNDANE system and try to find another couple of hyleg/alchocoden,
If we choose now POF we must know that no trad authority agree with this choice
In case of POF is the Hyleg, there is then one candidate to be the alchocoden: JU
First, we have to see which candidate has the most dignity: here, JU has candidate alcho dignities referring to POF : [TRI]
First, JU is linked with POF by a [opposition] aspect and a [TRI] dignity,
However, JU is [T] and has a power of [-2], and so JU has a good Kadkhudah score of [3]
JU is located at 29,78° at a distance of 29.86° (°) from the next (ASC) cusp.


SU is D with a [-2] score - house rgo 10
MO is P with a [-9] score - house rgo 4
ME is P cb with a [-18] score - house rgo 10
VE is P cb  with a [-8] score - house rgo 10
JU is T with a [-5] score - house rgo 7
MA is P with a [-13] score - house rgo 12
SA is T with a [5] score - house rgo 7

points to specially watch for the duration of life: 0 in house VI ; JU  in house XII
points to specially watch for the social destiny: SU ME in house X
we see below the list of  aspects :
SU[-5,69 Or ¼]MO  SU[-4,61 Or 0]ME          MO[-2,81 Occ 180]ME                            MA[-2,09 Occ 0]SA  
The best aspect is  [best :su 0° (0,77) me]  and the worst aspect is  [worst :su 180° (-0,63) mo]

The traditional almuten (Omar, Ibn Ezra) is SA
we see below the list of dignities for SA :
[ term 0 tri 3 rul 2 exn 0 fac 0 ]
[ su 2 mo 0 asc 1 syg 0 pof 0 ]
Note 1 : the ‘almuten figuris’ is the lord of the chart, but its determination obeys somewhat different rules according to the schools. The tradition is based above all on the zodiacal dignities. (see p,e,  Alcabitius, Introduction, 59-61, 117 and Avenezra, Nativites, 101) – almuten = al-mu’tazz (arabic term)
[7] As for the governor which is the <planet> predominating (al-mubtazz) over the birth from which one indicates the conditions of the native after the haylāğ and the kadhudāh,n it is the planet having the most leadership in the ascendant, the position<s> of the two luminaries, the position of the Lot of Fortune and the position of the degree of the conjunction or opposition which precedes the birth. When a planet has mastery over two, three or four positions by the abundance of its shares in them, it is the governor and the predominant <planet> (al-mubtazz) and the indicator after the haylāğ and the kadhudāh. From it one indicates the conditions of the native. Some people use it instead of the kadhudāh in giving life.  [Al-Qabisi , Charles Burnett, Keji Yamamoto, Michio Yano, The Introduction to Astrology, IV, 7, p, 117, Warburg, 2004]
Note 2 : There are at least 4 systems for determining the almuten depending on whether the combinations of triplicities and terms are used: the Ptolemaic almuten (followed by Lilly) with Ptolemaic terms ; the same with Egyptian terms; the almuten of Dorotheus with Ptolemaic terms ; the same with Egyptian terms, knowing that one can embellish the whole thing with different weighting system (like Lilly or not using weights like Montanus) [cf. Temperament: Astrology's Forgotten Key, p. 79, Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum 2005]

The Lilly (Ptolemaïc) almuten is SA

In our experience, it seems that Ptolemy's almuten allows one to first appreciate the static side of the natal chart and that the Lilly-type elaboration allows one to deepen the more ‘temporary’ or ‘dynamic ‘ relationships (cf, Shlomo Sela, Ibn Ezra, on Nativities and Continuous Horoscopy, appendix 6, quot 2  ; Horary astrology p, 458, Brill, 2014)
Ω  61,47 /
the lot of Fortune has been computed according to Placidus's revised method (see 'Primary directions', A primer of calculation by Bob Makransky, 1988, cap X: the Arabian parts, pp. 98-103; see also Mario Fumagalli,  'Il calcolo delle sorti secondo Placido', Linguaggio Astrale 103, June 1996 and 'La sorte oraria, il vero oroscopo lunare.' (Phôs 2, giugno 2001) ; also Placidus, Coelestis philosophiae, 1675, Brunacci and Onorati ; see finally the english traduction of Placidus, Primum mobile, John Cooper, 1814, Canon of the Part of Fortune, pp, 308-318) ; help will be found also from: : Sepharial, directional astrology, cap XII, the part of fortune, pp, 81-85, 1921 and Oxley Thomas, The Gem of Astral Sciences, cap VII, of the part of fortune or lunar horoscope, pp,45 - 48, 1848)

part of fortune [Brunacci : 218,96°]

Primary directions

1)- direction conversa : ☌♂ #☽

We note that the # of the ☽ is at 299.36° ♑; that at this degree, a star sends a ◻ to the ⊕: in fact, the regio domitude of ⊕ is 163.49°, or the ◻ in domitude at 253.49, which corresponds to a longitude of 299.81° ♑.
Precisely, the regio direction of ♂, converse to the # of ☽, run out at 45.53°. To find the equivalence in years, we must add to this arc of 45.53°, the AR of the ☉ of 323.65°; we then obtain 10°1' 44" in ♈, place where ☉ arrives, counting from the day and hour of nativity, in 49.4 days, which mean as many years.

Here is a table that summarises these observations.

δ -22,90 -15,93


directio conversa 47,50 9,98 Sina = cos dec x sin MD
house 8
125,17 -73,82 tan b (b') = cot dec x cos MD (***)
SA 68,97
-18,77 0,46 X = tan a x cosec (latgeo +b (b'))

85,11 16,10 Tan PM regio = tan(X x cos(latgeo))
dom plac 187,40 (mod ∟) 184,89 253,90 dom regio

7 house 7 9

7,4 [ d, VII ]
4,89 [ d, VII ] 13,9 [ d, IX ] domitude
house 8 (**) 51,40 19,22 pole regio

A coA=tanp/tanλ 73,90 ∠ meridian↑ p/λ

B 81,53 cosB=-tanp tanδm SA D MA / pole 19,22

Arm 257,78
if arc <0
TS 310,940
0,00 0

2|Occ -45,53 B-A±(TS-Arm) pf Occ D - pm Occ D

quadrant #MO arc formula (mod 360°) orient pf – pm

arc = 45.53° (49.4 Y with Key Placidus)

In this series of formulas, we have used formulas leading first to the PM of each marking point: these formulas (which appear to the right of the numerical data) are borrowed from Alan Leo, 'Casting the horoscope', pp. 180-183. Formulas (a) and (b) allow us to calculate the angles A'DEq or A'D'Eq and the arc DEq or D'Eq is the arc ET that we find in Delambre's figure 130: the point D or D' represents the pole of each marking point of the axis EqD(D')O.

diagram from Alan Leo, Castin horoscope, 1912

2)- directio conversa : ☌♄◻♃

speculum Lat Dec AR MD SA HA
SA 1,7 N -20,59 S 250,93 60,01 D 61,81 D 1,8 W
□JU 0 S -21,05 S 297,57 13,37 D 61,06 D 47,69 W
– MD = meridian distance (from MC if SA f [SA]  is diurnal or IC if Sa f  is nocturnal)
– SA = semi-arc (if f is diurnal, SA f [SA] is D and all MD’s and SA’s are D, otherwise N
– HA = horizontal distance (from the nearest horizon W or E for f [SA] and m □JU)
under bracket [] the fixed point, (here SA)
- Lat □JU 0 S and lat JU : -1° 3' 5"

δ -20,59 -21,05


directio conversa (a) 54,17 12,47 Sina = cos dec x sin MD
house 8 (b) 126,93 -68,41 tan b (b') = cot dec x cos MD (***)
SA 61,06 (c) -50,65 0,76 X = tan a x cosec (latgeo +b (b'))

10,18 PM 88,18 25,31 Tan PM regio = tan(X x cos(latgeo))
dom plac 182,62 (mod ∟) 181,82 244,69 dom regio

7 house 7 9

2,62 [ d, VII ]
1,82 [ d, VII ] 4,69 [ d, IX ] domitude
house 8 (**) 51,49 28,26 pole regio

A coA=tanp/tanλ 64,69 ∠ meridian↑ p/λ

B 78,35 cosB=-tanp tanδm SA D SA / pole 28,26

Arm 250,93
if arc <0
TS 310,940
0,00 0

2|Occ -46,35 B-A±(TS-Arm) pf Occ D - pm Occ D

quadrant □ JU arc formula (mod 360°) orient pf – pm

DA [□ JU] with δ C SA -28,17

DA [C SA] with δ □ JU -28,93

SA D prom [C SA] with δ □ JU 61,07

(*) Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old), cuspal distances, debatable ground, the horoscope, 2, 5, 19-23, Oct 1903
directional astrology, p, 72, Sepharial, 1921
(**) according to Max Duval, ''Les Moyens de pronostic en astrologie', pp 11-15, direct zodiacal directions, Ed Traditionnelles, 1986
(***) if 0<b<90;b=b' ; if 180<b<90; b'=180-b (use sign of b)
cf, Alan Leo, Casting the horoscope, (Astrology for all, II,, appendix, pp 180-183, L. N. Fowler & Co., London, 1912

arc = 46.35 (key Placidus 50 Y, key Brahe 48.25 Y, diff < 2 Y).

Thus, we have just seen that around the age of 48, in accordance with the data of tradition, 2 problematic directions coincided with the death of Ebenezer Sibly.

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