vendredi 11 octobre 2024

Ebn Shemaya (Parkes David)

 Parkes David (Ebn Shemaya)

Author of a thick book, "the star, a system of theoretical and practical astrology" (Cornish, 1838) with the nativity of the author, p. 132.
bibliography : “A” Catalogue Raisonné of Works on the Occult Sciences, Volume 2, Astrological books, Frederick Leigh Gardner, 1911, p. 109

Parkes David
14 Jul 1811 GREG    CAL
sunday GREG
 | lat 53° 23' 59" | N 0°10' W
natal (bt) 13 h 30 min
raas-rams :23h 54' 36"
reckoned bt Lat --> lmt 22 h 30 min
tu 22h 30' 40"
tsn 17h 57' 20"
timezone  : 0
DST : 0 (-)
Equation of time -0h 5' 23"
ΔT 0h 0' 13"


SU is P with a [-10] score - house rgo 5
MO is E with a [6] score - house rgo 2
ME is T - FA with a [8] score - house rgo 4
VE is P  with a [-12] score - house rgo 3
JU is D with a [-5] score - house rgo 7
MA is Ru with a [10] score - house rgo 3
SA is Fa with a [-6] score - house rgo 9

no point in critical house
no point -
we see below the list of  aspects in mundo :
        SU[0,21 Occ 60]JU    MO[3,81 Or 90]ME                    VE[0,4  Or 120]MA          JU[0,37 Or 180]SA
The best aspect is  [best :su 60° (0,21) ju]  and the worst aspect is  [worst :ma 120° (0,16) ve]

The traditional almuten (Omar, Ibn Ezra) is JU
we see below the list of dignities for JU :
[ term 2 tri 0 rul 1 exn 1 fac 2 ]
[ su 3 mo 2 asc 1 syg 0 pof 0 ]
Note 1 : the ‘almuten figuris’ is the lord of the chart, but its determination obeys somewhat different rules according to the schools. The tradition is based above all on the zodiacal dignities. (see p,e,  Alcabitius, Introduction, 59-61, 117 and Avenezra, Nativites, 101) – almuten = al-mu’tazz (arabic term)
[7] As for the governor which is the <planet> predominating (al-mubtazz) over the birth from which one indicates the conditions of the native after the haylāğ and the kadhudāh,n it is the planet having the most leadership in the ascendant, the position<s> of the two luminaries, the position of the Lot of Fortune and the position of the degree of the conjunction or opposition which precedes the birth. When a planet has mastery over two, three or four positions by the abundance of its shares in them, it is the governor and the predominant <planet> (al-mubtazz) and the indicator after the haylāğ and the kadhudāh. From it one indicates the conditions of the native. Some people use it instead of the kadhudāh in giving life.  [Al-Qabisi , Charles Burnett, Keji Yamamoto, Michio Yano, The Introduction to Astrology, IV, 7, p, 117, Warburg, 2004]
Note 2 : There are at least 4 systems for determining the almuten depending on whether the combinations of triplicities and terms are used: the Ptolemaic almuten (followed by Lilly) with Ptolemaic terms ; the same with Egyptian terms; the almuten of Dorotheus with Ptolemaic terms ; the same with Egyptian terms, knowing that one can embellish the whole thing with different weighting system (like Lilly or not using weights like Montanus) [cf. Temperament: Astrology's Forgotten Key, p. 79, Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum 2005]

The Lilly (Ptolemaïc) almuten is ME

In our experience, it seems that Ptolemy's almuten allows one to first appreciate the static side of the natal chart and that the Lilly-type elaboration allows one to deepen the more ‘temporary’ or ‘dynamic ‘ relationships (cf, Shlomo Sela, Ibn Ezra, on Nativities and Continuous Horoscopy, appendix 6, quot 2  ; Horary astrology p, 458, Brill, 2014)
Ω  57,41 /
the lot of Fortune has been computed according to Placidus's revised method (see 'Primary directions', A primer of calculation by Bob Makransky, 1988, cap X: the Arabian parts, pp. 98-103; see also Mario Fumagalli,  'Il calcolo delle sorti secondo Placido', Linguaggio Astrale 103, June 1996 and 'La sorte oraria, il vero oroscopo lunare.' (Phôs 2, giugno 2001) and Placidus, Coelestis philosophiae, 1675, Brunacci and Onorati ; see finally the english traduction of Placidus, Primum mobile, John Cooper, 1814, Canon of the Part of Fortune, pp, 308-318) ; help will be found also from: : Sepharial, directional astrology, cap XII, the part of fortune, pp, 81-85, 1921 and Oxley Thomas, The Gem of Astral Sciences, cap VII, of the part of fortune or lunar horoscope, pp,45 - 48, 1848)

[Brunacci : 271,84°] the Fumagalli method is the so called horary method from Brunacci and Onorati : we find it in 'De Parte Fortunae Ptolemaica', pp, 8-14 ex libro iii, cap i, in Physiomathematica sive Coelestis Philosophia, Milano, 1675; Cursino Francobacci et Africano Scirata are anagrams for Francesco Brunacci and Francesco Maria Onorati,

HYLEG – ALCHOCODEN – domification ,

In our research, we hypothesised that the mundane chart alone should be considered; also we must base on the aspects taken in the semiarcs the research of the degrees likely to be considered in the duration of the life.
In the case of Parkes David we have the table above which allows us to estimate the breakdown of aspects between the different planets and the alchocoden.
When considering a theme, the first thing is to observe whether it is diurnal or nocturnal. In the case of Parkes David, it is NOCTURNAL.
In this case, the first point to check is SU. If  SU is well disposed, it can claim 1st stage to be HYLEG.

SU is P and therefore seems weak, with a dignity score of [-2],
Moreover, when we look for the dignities that appear in the zodiacal inscription of MO, we find at least one
we find at least one aspect to match with the dignities
We'll see later what we get when we search for mundane dignities.
Now that we know that we cannot consider SU as hyleg, we are left with MO we find aspect to match with the dignities.

If we consider the MUNDANE system, we observe a conjunction aspect of MO.
At the same time, it appears that MO has  dignity of EXN over POF.
So we have two possibilities with our hypothesis : first choose MO for hyleg ; second choose the MUNDANE system and try to find another couple of hyleg/alchocoden,
If we choose now MO we must know that no trad authority agree with this choice
In case of MO is the Hyleg, there is then one candidate to be the alchocoden: MO
First, we have to see which candidate has the most dignity: here, ME has candidate alcho dignities referring to MO : [EXN]
First, MO is linked with MO by a [conjunction] aspect and a [EXN] dignity,
However, MO is [E] and has a power of [8], and so MO has a good Kadkhudah score of [2]
MO is located at 46,54° at 0° (°) from the next (cad) cusp
Now, we have to take account of the radix zodiacal aspects,
  ME 90 MO: 6,67      minus alcho dy (0)
Without any change, we find with MO as Kadhkhudah : Y = 66 as a result of MO SUCCEDENT years
But as MO is EXN, following William Lilly in Christian astrology, p, 115 (London, 1647) on his table of Fortitudes and debilities, we remove 1/5 of his value, as dignity for MO is    E     Or  (ie 0)
So, zodiacal Y =80,31

Primary direction at death (1906)

David Parkes died at a very advanced age (95 years) for his time. The factors found are: MO in CAN (EXN), VE in lower culmination.

We find two directions :

1) a converse direction from SU to SA, in REGIO.

speculum Lat Dec AR MD SA HA
SU - 21,74 N 113,23 156,11 D 122,48 D -33,63 W
CSA -2,37 S -21,9 S 260,67 8,66 D 57,22 D 48,56 W
– MD = meridian distance (from MC if SA f [SU]  is diurnal or IC if Sa f  is nocturnal)
– SA = semi-arc (if f is diurnal, SA f [SU] is D and all MD’s and SA’s are D, otherwise N)
– HA = horizontal distance (from the nearest horizon W or E for f [SU] and m CSA)
under bracket [] the fixed point, (here SU)
- Lat CSA -2,37 S and lat SA : 1° 16' 41"


1 2 3 4

AO ±


AO ±


DO SA / pole SU


AO SU / pole SA




The only tricky point to take into account is to highlight whether the key points (SU and SA) should be considered in OA (oblique ascension) or OD (oblique descension). The values ​​of AO and DO will be obtained from the RA and the DA of the star, applying the following formulas:

for a star with positive declination (North)
AO = RA - DA
DO = RA + DA
for a star with negative declination (South)
AO = RA + DA
DO = RA - DA

You also see that the rule is double and does not include the sign of DA (ascensional difference). The table above summarises these observations.



Tan A tan dec/cos dm

B (1) +LG-A or -LG+A

Tan C cot DM.cos B/cos A

Sin pole (2) Cos C.sin LG

Sin DA (3) Tan pole A1.Tan Dec A2
Tan pole A2. Tan Dec A1
DAP (6) 23,13 -23,33 -9,95 9,87
AO (4) AR ± DA
136,35 237,34 250,72 123,09
Arc (7) AO1 – AO2


(1) B must be treated as positive number
(2) sign of pole has the same sens of LG for DA Here, DA = DA/pole A
(3) sign [-] if pole and Dec have the opposite sign – sign [+] if planet located in western half, sign [-] if planet located in eastern half ; Signs [+] and [-] must be reversed for births in the southern hemisphere
(4) to find AO of a star A2 under the pole of A1, we calculate the  DA of A2 under the pole A1 ex: tan pôleA1.tan DecA2=sin DA A2/poleA1
(5) algorithm and lessons from : a)- Gouchon (‘Dictionnaire astrologique’, Dervy, 1946, 1975, p, 276, attributed to H. Selva) ; b)- Martin Gansten (‘Primary directions’, pp, 155-157, 2009, Wessex Astrologer) - instructions for use only appear in Gansten – c)- Astrologia gallica, Morin de Villefranche, trad Holden (appendix 5, pp, 151-153) ; d)- Henry Coley, Clavis astrologiae elimata, 1676, pp. 609-648 ; e)- Henri Selva, La domification, Vigot, 1917, reprint Lacour 1992, p, 25 and 131
(6) ascensional difference under own pole
(7) if the 0° point of the equator (viz 0° trop ARI) should fall between one of the two points, 360° must be added to arc

The clearest and most complete exposition I know can be read in:
- Delambre (about Magni)
- Selva (about the regiomontanus directions)

arc = 100.99 (regio)
conversion for key BRAHE : even (94.92) x 1.048 = 99.5
diff = 1.49

We can also use the formula from 'Casting the horoscope' from Alan Leo (but I doubt he is the author) :

(a) 8,03 22,10 Sina = cos dec x sin MD
(b) -247,87 113,57 tan b (b') = cot dec x cos MD (***)
(c) 0,56 -1,80 X = tan a x cosec (latgeo +b (b'))
PM 18,62 47,04 Tan PM regio = tan(X x cos(latgeo))
(mod ∟) 251,38 137,04 dom regio
house 9 5

11,38 [ d, IX ] 17,04 [ d, V ] domitude
(**) 23,26 44,58 pole regio
A cosA=tanp/tanλ 42,96 ∠ meridian↑ p/λ
B 66,66 cosB=-tanp tanδm SA D C SA / pole 44,58
Arm 260,67
TS 269,334

3|Occ 100,95 B+A±(TS-Arm) pf Occ N - pm Occ D

quadrant SU arc formula (mod 360°) orient pf – pm
even 94,92

EQU | arc =1,048 99,50
DA [C SA] with δ C SU 23,14
≠ PLACIDUS -22,05
DA [C SU] with δ C SA -23,34
≠ REGIO -1,45
SA D prom [C SU] with δ C SA 66,66
(*) Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old), cuspal distances, debatable ground, the horoscope, 2, 5, 19-23, Oct 1903
directional astrology, p, 72, Sepharial, 1921
(**) according to Max Duval, ''Les Moyens de pronostic en astrologie', pp 11-15, direct zodiacal directions, Ed Traditionnelles, 1986
(***) if 0<b<90;b=b' ; if 180<b<90; b'=180-b (use sign of b)
cf, Alan Leo, Casting the horoscope, (Astrology for all, II,, appendix, pp 180-183, L. N. Fowler & Co., London, 1912)

We see that the interest of this last method is that it allows to place in a first time the PM (in mundo positions) and therefore, to determine the Regio domitudes (and Campanus not noted here). We use in a second time the formulas given by Max Duval. The poles are determined from the PM.

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