samedi 17 mars 2018

Paul I Russia

Paul I Russia

 (1 October [O.S. 20 September] 1754 – 23 March [O.S. 11 March] 1801) reigned as Emperor of Russia between 1796 and 1801. Officially, he was the only son of Peter III (reigned January to July 1762) (whom he resembled physically and by character) and of Catherine the Great (reigned 1762–96), though Catherine hinted that he was fathered by her lover Sergei Saltykov, who also had Romanov blood, being a descendant of the first Romanov Tsar's sister, Tatiana Feodorovna Romanova.

A conspiracy was organized, some months before it was executed, by Counts Peter Ludwig von der Pahlen, Nikita Petrovich Panin, and the half-Spanish, half-Neapolitan adventurer Admiral Ribas. The death of Ribas delayed the execution. On the night of 23 March [O.S. 11 March] 1801, Paul was murdered in his bedroom in the newly built St. Michael's Castle by a band of dismissed officers headed by General Bennigsen, a Hanoverian in the Russian service, and General Yashvil, a Georgian. They charged into his bedroom, flushed with drink after dining together, and found Paul hiding behind some drapes in the corner.[42] The conspirators pulled him out, forced him to the table, and tried to compel him to sign his abdication. Paul offered some resistance, and Nikolay Zubov struck him with a sword, after which the assassins strangled and trampled him to death. [Wikipedia]

I. Natal chart

Great affliction in this chart : opposition of luminaries, in MC axis (MO conj IC) ; most planets are debilitated : VE exile (SCO), SU exile (LIB), MA exile (LIB), JU exile (VIR). Only SA is strong but with a number of square rays (MO, SU, ME). Ruler of MC (VE) is cadent and ruler of ASC (JU) is succeedent.

According to Lilly, ALMUTEN is SA. Hyleg must be SU but debilitated a lot...

II. Primary directions

Attention must be paid to the SU-MO opposition on the MC-IC axis; the 'favored' direction is the opposition of SA to SU (and the conjunction of MO to SA). 

A. MO conj SA

1. parameters

2. analysis

3. result

D --> Z D Regio-Campa 1/EQU orb -0.21

B. MA conj ASC 

This direction is important because, considering mundane system, MA is in square both with MO and SU.

1. parameters

Observe that the direction is converse. So the 'standard' direction for an ASC arc don't work in this case.

2. result

D --> Z C Regio-Campa 1/EQU orb 0.35.

C. opp JU conj SA

1. parameters

2. analysis

3. result


D --> Z C Regio-Campa EQU orb -0.31.

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