mercredi 24 juillet 2024



(Roderic-Lenzuolo Borgia), born in 1431, in Jativa, in Spain, was descended, it is said, through his mother, Jeanne Borgia, from the ancient kings of Aragon. He stood out from his youth for the premature development of his intelligence and the passion of his passions. A law student, then a soldier, he was called to Rome in 1456 by his uncle Alfonso Borgia, who had just been elevated to the papal throne under the name of Calixtus III, and who successively named him archbishop of Valencia, cardinal and vice-chancellor .from the church. Previously, he had five children from a certain Rosa Vanozzo, two of whom acquired the most hideous fame, Caesar and Lucrezia Borgia. Decorated with Roman purple, Roderic did not renounce his disorders; but, in the interest of his ambition, he covered them with an impenetrable veil and from then on took as much zeal to affect the virtues he lacked as he took care to conceal his vices. Under the pontificate of Sixtus IV, he was responsible for various negotiations which highlighted his political skill, but which were not all successful. On the death of Innocent VIII, he was elected pope, and, if contemporary historians are to be believed, he had won the entire college, with the exception of five cardinals, either at a price of gold or by promise of dignities and benefits (1492). From that moment he established his family in Rome, whose existence was no longer a mystery to anyone. Francis, his eldest son, was given command of the papal troops, and Caesar was named cardinal the following year. Prince rather than pontiff, and in a century where perfidy, perjury and cruelty seemed legitimate means of government, Alexander VI was concerned exclusively with his temporal domination in Italy, and undertook to despoil and reduce the powerful families which dominated in the States of the Church, as well as those Roman barons who had such power that they were called the Pope's handcuffs. In this fight against the great, this new Louis The Malatesta, the Manfredi, the Colonna, the Orsini, the Vitelli, were in turn the victims of his perfidies, the main instrument of which was his son Caesar, and in the execution of which he employed murder, corruption, perjury. , lies, etc. His entire life is a web of horrors of all kinds, and he realized in history the ideal of the prince whose hideous portrait Machiavelli sketched. In his foreign policy he showed the same character. Forced to capitulate before the arms of Charles VIII, he made his peace with him by granting him the investiture of the kingdom of Naples and by delivering to him the Turkish prince Gem (Zizim), whom perhaps he had poisoned in advance , won, it is said, by the gold of Bajazet. He then encouraged the assassination of the French in Rome, joined forces against the King of France with the Republic of Venice and the Emperor Maximilian, later contracted an alliance with Louis XII, whom he was preparing to betray, when he died (1503), poisoned, it is said, by a drink he drank accidentally and which he had prepared for a cardinal whose property he coveted. This last fact has been called into doubt. What contemporary historians report about the morals of this pontiff cannot find place in a work of this nature. We must limit ourselves to noting that most of the facts attributed to him unfortunately appear only too proven. See his Life, by Gordon, London, 1729, trans. in French, in 1732.
[Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe, Pierre Larousse, tome 1, p. 193, 1866]

theme sources:
- Lucae Gaurici... Tractatus astrologicus, Venitiis, 1552, f. 16v
- Junctinus, Speculum Astrologiae, 1583, Lugduni, p.449 a
- astrodatabank:
- Alan Leo, 1001 Notable Nativitas, n°448, art Pope, p. 34, 1917

notes :
- Gaurici has a date error (1530 for 1430)
- Junctinus gives a false lunar position
- astrodatabank gives 1 day less
- Alan Leo gives ASC 3° CAP

We retain the theme given by Junctinus but the position of the Moon is completely wrong.

The date to retain is January 1, 1431 at 6:39 a.m. LMT (Julian calendar)

The lot of fortune is computed with Makransky's method.
The aspects are mundane.
Hyleg is SU and alchocoden is SA.

In our research, we hypothesised that the mundane chart alone should be considered; also we must base on the aspects taken in the semi-arcs the research of the degrees likely to be considered in the duration of the life.
In the case of Alexander VI we have the table above which allows us to estimate the breakdown of aspects between the different planets and the alchocoden.
When considering a theme, the first thing is to observe whether it is diurnal or nocturnal. In the case of Alexander VI, it is NOCTURNAL.
In this case, the first point to check is SU. If  SU is well disposed, it can claim 1st stage to be HYLEG.

SU is P and therefore seems weak, with a dignity score of [0],
Moreover, when we look for the dignities that appear in the zodiacal inscription of SU, we find at least one
we find at least one aspect to match with the dignities
We'll see later what we get when we search for mundane dignities.
So : the hyleg is SU as dignity is P and aspect is conjunction

Now we must look for the alchocoden: it is the planet which has the maximum dignity with regard to the hyleg and which exchanges a Ptolemaic aspect with the hyleg.
if we consider the MUNDANE system, we observe a conjunction aspect of SA.
At the same time, it appears that SA has  dignity of TRI over POF.
So we have two possibilities with our hypothesis : first choose SU for hyleg ; second choose the MUNDANE system and try to find another couple of hyleg/alchocoden,
If we choose now SU we must know that Dorotheus agree with this choice
In case of SU is the Hyleg, there is then one candidate to be the alchocoden: SA
First, we have to see which candidate has the most dignity: here, SA has candidate alcho dignities referring to SU : [TRI]
First, SA is linked with SU by a [conjunction] aspect and a [TRI] dignity,
However, SA is [te - T] and has a power of [17], and so SA has a good Kadkhudah score of [1]
SA is located at 286,63° at more than 5° from [Δ degrees cups sup [I] : 7,6° (1)] and has a domitude Regio of : [8,6] for a latitude of [0,09°]


(AD = astrodynes, after Elbert Benjamine, 1950, modified)

SU is P with a [-2] score - house rgo 1 - AD-0,94
MO is T with a [0] score - house rgo 8- AD 3,42
ME is te with a [-11] score - house rgo 12- AD 0
VE is P  with a [-18] score - house rgo 12- AD 0
JU is P with a [-14] score - house rgo 9- AD-4,91
MA is R/Ex D with a [-11] score - house rgo 3- AD-15,6
SA is te - T with a [23] score - house rgo 1- AD1,69
Moreover, SA is in mutual reception by exaltation with MA which is an unfortunate circumstance (cf, Morin de Villefranche, Astrologia gallica, book XVII, cap VII, 39-51, La Haye, 1636)
points to specially watch for the duration of life: 0 in house VI ; ME VE in house XII ; MO conj VIII
no point
we see below the list of  aspects :
                  SA 0 SU               JU 120 MO Oc                                              
JU 180 MC

The traditional almuten (Omar, Ibn Ezra) is SA
we see below the list of dignities for SA :
[ term 1 tri 2 rul 2 exn 1 fac 1 ]
[ su 2 mo 2 asc 2 syg 0 pof 0 ]
Note 1 : the ‘almuten figuris’ is the lord of the chart, but its determination obeys somewhat different rules according to the schools. The tradition is based above all on the zodiacal dignities. (see p,e,  Alcabitius, Introduction, 59-61, 117 and Avenezra, Nativites, 101) – almuten = al-mu’tazz (arabic term)
[7] As for the governor which is the <planet> predominating (al-mubtazz) over the birth from which one indicates the conditions of the native after the haylāğ and the kadhudāh,n it is the planet having the most leadership in the ascendant, the position<s> of the two luminaries, the position of the Lot of Fortune and the position of the degree of the conjunction or opposition which precedes the birth. When a planet has mastery over two, three or four positions by the abundance of its shares in them, it is the governor and the predominant <planet> (al-mubtazz) and the indicator after the haylāğ and the kadhudāh. From it one indicates the conditions of the native. Some people use it instead of the kadhudāh in giving life.  [Al-Qabisi , Charles Burnett, Keji Yamamoto, Michio Yano, The Introduction to Astrology, IV, 7, p, 117, Warburg, 2004]
Note 2 : There are at least 4 systems for determining the almuten depending on whether the combinations of triplicities and terms are used: the Ptolemaic almuten (followed by Lilly) with Ptolemaic terms ; the same with Egyptian terms; the almuten of Dorotheus with Ptolemaic terms ; the same with Egyptian terms, knowing that one can embellish the whole thing with different weighting system (like Lilly or not using weights like Montanus) [cf. Temperament: Astrology's Forgotten Key, p. 79, Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum 2005]

The Lilly (Ptolemaïc) almuten is SA

In our experience, it seems that Ptolemy's almuten allows one to first appreciate the static side of the natal chart and that the Lilly-type elaboration allows one to deepen the more ‘temporary’ or ‘dynamic ‘ relationships (cf, Shlomo Sela, Ibn Ezra, on Nativities and Continuous Horoscopy, appendix 6, quot 2  ; Horary astrology p, 458, Brill, 2014)
Ω  138,73 / conj unfortune with caput draconis  but fortunate with cauda draconis  if alchocoden is SA or MA


1)- ordination 30 10 1468 (1468.83)




A2 ∆SU A1 MO A1 MO A2 ∆SU A2 ∆SU A1 MO
Tan A tan dec/cos dm

B (1) +LG-A or -LG+A

Tan C cot DM.cos B/cos A

Sin pole (2) Cos C.sin LG

Sin DA (3) Tan pole A1.Tan Dec A2
Tan pole A2. Tan Dec A1
DAP (*) 11,65 -3,32 -1,26 4,39
AO (4) AR ± DA
150,48 -172,17 -170,11 143,22
arc AO1 – AO2



(1) B must be treated as positive number
(2) sign of pole has the same sens of LG for DA Here, DA = DA/pole A
(3) sign [-] if pole and Dec have the opposite sign – sign [+] if planet located in western half, sign [-] if planet located in eastern half ; Signs [+] and [-] must be reversed for births in the southern hemisphere
(4) to find AO of a star A2 under the pole of A1, we calculate the  DA of A2 under the pole A1 ex: tan pôleA1.tan DecA2=sin DA A2/poleA1
(5) algorithm from Gouchon (‘Dictionnaire astrologique’, Dervy, 1946, 1975, p, 276, attributed to H. Selva) ; Martin Gansten (‘Primary directions’, pp, 155-157, 2009, Wessex Astrologer) - instructions for use only appear in Gansten – Astrologia gallica, Morin de Villefranche, trad Holden (appendix 5, pp, 151-153)  
- (*) ascensional difference under own pole
Y 37,35 Δ = 0,2
BRAHE : 1° 1' 5"
key convert 0,982

DP PLACIDUS Plac direct Plac conv
sa1/dm1 4,91 1,49
sa2 103,74 86,10
x 21,12 57,97
dm² 69,85 17,53
sign -1 -1

arc 48,73 -40,44

X = sa2.dm1/sa1
sign : if the two points are on either side of the meridian, take +1 ; otherwise -1
Arc = dm2 ± sign.x
arc = 40.44 Y

2)- consecration : 30 October 1471


speculum Lat Dec AR MD SA HA
JU -1,13 S 10,68 N 28,51 0,23 N 81,22 N 80,99 W
∆VE 0,63 N -8,87 S 337,27 51,41 N 97,26 N 45,85 W

– MD = meridian distance (from MC if SA f [JU]  is diurnal or IC if Sa f  is nocturnal)
– SA = semi-arc (if f is diurnal, SA f [JU] is D and all MD’s and SA’s are D, otherwise N
– HA = horizontal distance (from the nearest horizon W or E for f [JU] and m ∆VE)
under bracket [] the fixed point, (here JU)
- Lat ∆VE 0,63 N and lat VE : 0° 37' 34"



| 02h 38' 45" A2 ∆VE A1 JU A1 JU A2 ∆VE A2 ∆VE A1 JU
Tan A tan dec/cos dm

B (1) +LG-A or -LG+A

Tan C cot DM.cos B/cos A

Sin pole (2) Cos C.sin LG

Sin DA (3) Tan pole A1.Tan Dec A2
Tan pole A2. Tan Dec A1
DAP (*) 0,04 -0,03 -5,23 6,32
AO (4) AR ± DA
28,96 -22,76 -17,50 22,59
arc AO1 – AO2

9h 24' 59" TU


Y 40,09 Δ = 0
BRAHE : 1° 1' 5"
key convert 0,982


DP PLACIDUS Plac direct Plac conv
sa1/dm1 1,89 353,13
sa2 81,22 97,26
x 42,93 0,28
dm² 0,23 51,41
sign 1 1

arc 43,16 51,69

X = sa2.dm1/sa1
sign : if the two points are on either side of the meridian, take +1 ; otherwise -1
Arc = dm2 ± sign.x

arc direct = 43.16 Y

3) Papacy : 11 August 1492

We find a trine between MC and JU with an orb of 0.12°.

4) death 18 August 1503

The most plausible is therefore that Pope Alexander VI died a victim of malaria which was then raging in Rome and which claimed many less illustrious victims.

We find three directions :
a)- ◻☉☌♄
b)- echoing with : (m) ∦♂ ☌♄ and ♂☌ ∦♄

a)- ◻☉☌♄

the square is mundane (219° 59')♏. The hyleg (SU) goes to meet the alchocoden (SA)...

speculum Lat Dec AR MD SA HA
SA 0,09 N -22,39 S 288,03 79,1 D 70,53 D -8,57 W
□SU 0,00 -14,86 S 217,57 8,63 D 77,6 D 68,97 W

– MD = meridian distance (from MC if SA f [SA]  is diurnal or IC if Sa f  is nocturnal)
– SA = semi-arc (if f is diurnal, SA f [SA] is D and all MD’s and SA’s are D, otherwise N
– HA = horizontal distance (from the nearest horizon W or E for f [SA] and m □SU)
under bracket [] the fixed point, (here SA)
- Lat □SU 0 and lat SU : 0° 0' 0"



Tan A tan dec/cos dm

B (1) +LG-A or -LG+A

Tan C cot DM.cos B/cos A

Sin pole (2) Cos C.sin LG

Sin DA (3) Tan pole A1.Tan Dec A2
Tan pole A2. Tan Dec A1
DAP (*) -19,26 -12,26 2,34 3,64
AO (4) AR ± DA
307,29 -130,17 -144,78 284,39
arc AO1 – AO2



(1) B must be treated as positive number
(2) sign of pole has the same sens of LG for DA Here, DA = DA/pole A
(3) sign [-] if pole and Dec have the opposite sign – sign [+] if planet located in western half, sign [-] if planet located in eastern half ; Signs [+] and [-] must be reversed for births in the southern hemisphere
(4) to find AO of a star A2 under the pole of A1, we calculate the  DA of A2 under the pole A1 ex: tan pôleA1.tan DecA2=sin DA A2/poleA1
(5) algorithm from Gouchon (‘Dictionnaire astrologique’, Dervy, 1946, 1975, p, 276, attributed to H. Selva) ; Martin Gansten (‘Primary directions’, pp, 155-157, 2009, Wessex Astrologer) - instructions for use only appear in Gansten – Astrologia gallica, Morin de Villefranche, trad Holden (appendix 5, pp, 151-153)  - (*) ascensional difference under own pole

Y 71,76 Δ = -0,44
BRAHE : 1° 1' 5"
key convert 0,982

DP PLACIDUS Plac direct Plac conv
sa1/dm1 8,99 1,08
sa2 70,53 102,40
x 7,84 94,38
dm² 79,10 171,37
sign -1 -1

arc 71,26 76,99

X = sa2.dm1/sa1
sign : if the two points are on either side of the meridian, take +1 ; otherwise -1
Arc = dm2 ± sign.x

arc = 71.26 Y

b)- echoing with : (m) ∦♂ ☌♄ and ♂☌ ∦♄

These counter-parallel directions are very sensitive to the precision of the birth time; depending on the occurrences, they could perhaps constitute an original means of verifying (and correcting) the birth hour. In the case of Alexander VI, the leadership of MA at # of SA expires 5 minutes too late.

- ∦♂ ☌♄

This way of proceeding fits well with that of Placidus (cf notably Gansten, Primary directions, chap. 8 , modern innovations, pp.89-91).

speculum Lat Dec AR MD SA HA
SA 0,09 N -22,39 S 288,03 79,1 D 70,53 D -8,57 W
(m)//MA 2,05 N -13,22 S 219,20 10,27 D 79,04 D 68,77 W

– MD = meridian distance (from MC if SA f [SA]  is diurnal or IC if Sa f  is nocturnal)  – SA = semi-arc (if f is diurnal, SA f [SA] is D and all MD’s and SA’s are D, otherwise N  – HA = horizontal distance (from the nearest horizon W or E for f [SA] and m (m)//MA) under bracket [] the fixed point, (here SA) - Lat (m)//MA 2,05 N and lat MA : 2° 3' 12"



DIRECTIO RECTA A2 (m)//MA A1 SA A1 SA A2 (m)//MA A2 (m)//MA A1 SA
Tan A tan dec/cos dm

B (1) +LG-A or -LG+A

Tan C cot DM.cos B/cos A

Sin pole (2) Cos C.sin LG

Sin DA (3) Tan pole A1.Tan Dec A2
Tan pole A2. Tan Dec A1
DAP (*) 19,26 10,84 -2,39 -4,19
AO (4) AR ± DA
307,29 -129,96 -138,41 292,22
arc AO1 – AO2


(1) B must be treated as positive number
(2) sign of pole has the same sens of LG for DA Here, DA = DA/pole A
(3) sign [-] if pole and Dec have the opposite sign – sign [+] if planet located in western half, sign [-] if planet located in eastern half ; Signs [+] and [-] must be reversed for births in the southern hemisphere
(4) to find AO of a star A2 under the pole of A1, we calculate the  DA of A2 under the pole A1 ex: tan pôleA1.tan DecA2=sin DA A2/poleA1
(5) algorithm from Gouchon (‘Dictionnaire astrologique’, Dervy, 1946, 1975, p, 276, attributed to H. Selva) ; Martin Gansten (‘Primary directions’, pp, 155-157, 2009, Wessex Astrologer) - instructions for use only appear in Gansten – Astrologia gallica, Morin de Villefranche, trad Holden (appendix 5, pp, 151-153)  - (*) ascensional difference under own pole

Y 70,63 Δ = 0,69
BRAHE : 1° 1' 5"
key convert 0,982


DP PLACIDUS Plac direct Plac conv
sa1/dm1 7,70 1,08
sa2 70,53 100,96
x 9,16 93,06
dm² 79,10 169,73
sign -1 -1

arc 69,94 76,67

X = sa2.dm1/sa1 = and the angle x = SAm x DM f/SA f, so : SA m [ 70,53°] x DM f [ 10,27°]/SA f [79,04°]
sign : if the two points are on either side of the meridian, take +1 ; otherwise -1
Arc = dm2 ± sign.x We find the direction by DMm - x, so : DM m [ 10,27°] ± x [9,16]

arc = 69.94 Y

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