mercredi 17 juillet 2024




Since these two posts were published, the method of investigating primary directions has progressed. I remind you that from now on the arcs of direction are calculated in mundo. The orb is ± 2° and the rays are computed also in mundo, according to the Regiomontanus and Placidus method (explanations are given in all cases) - Regiomontanus domification - we use the latitude according to the Morin method (see the explanations in: Max Duval , 'Moyens de pronostic en astrologie, pp. 19-21, Editions Traditionnelles, 1986) - the conversion key is that one from Brahe/Kepler (based on the daily difference in longitude) - the lot of fortune is calculated according to the Makransky's method (see Primary directions, A Primer of Calculation, 1988, chapter X, 98-103).
For the Placidus method, several processes can be used which give the same results: Fomalhaut-Choisnard (in mundo), Al-Battani (cf. Nallino, opus astronomicum) and Al -Biruni (cf. Encyclopaedia of Islam, vol IV, 1934). Numerous secondary bibliography, particularly from 1995 onwards at the instigation of historians (see notably Yano, Viladrich, Hogendijk, Casulleras, Samso, Naugebauer).
We have also computed formulas for zodiacal directions (numerous references to the 19th century mainly). For projecting the rays, consult the article of Josep Casulleras : 'Ibn 'Azzuz al-Qusantini's tables for computing planetary aspects', Suhayl, 7, 2007, pp.47-114. We use the single position semicircle method (see Hogendijk, 'progressions, rays and houses in medieval islamic astrology : a mathematical classification', 37-58). The points: SU - MO - VE against MA - SA and vice versa ; the rays : ☌ ☍ ◻ # or ∆ *. The converse directions are strictly traditional : the point is progressed to an aspect [it will be noted carefully that the inverse sens is only to be respected, i.e. primum mobile.] A movement in the opposite direction makes no sense. In the same order of ideas, for axes we use special graphs in AR (MC) or AO (ASC) because the axis can't be moved. The part of fortune does not move also.
For the latitudes, we have tried to use the process recommended by Morin [Astrologia gallica, book XVI, the rays and aspects of the stars, trad Holden 2006, chap. 9, 35-55 and the translator's comment pp. 55-57],  and well explained by Duval (op cit.). This process consists of finding the maximum inclination of a point (in general we use it for MA or VE which can have the maximum of latitude), determining a pseudo-node at this location which we use to "fit" the aspects trine and sextile (it is admitted that square aspects have no latitude but, precisely, this case be an exception to the rule). For MO, we use the formula which directly gives the latitudes from the lunar node [It should be noted that the planetary nodes which are calculated are only the representation of the maximum inclination i, in the sense of Morin de Villefranche. In no case are these 'real' geocentric nodes]. Alternatively, we used the method of Bianchini (see Morin, op cit : -0.5 for ∆ and 0.5 for *; 0 for ◻; 1 for ☌ and -1 for ☍). We recommend systematically using latitudes (if necessary with a method described by Jean-Christophe Vitu in Its principle is that of the arbalestrille, an instrument intended to carry out angular measurements. Its formula is:

Cos d = Sin b1 Sin b2 + Cos b1 Cos b2 Cos (l1 - l2) 

where b1 and b2 are the latitudes and l1, l2 the longitudes. We find in Jean Meeus, Angular separation, pp. 109-116, (in Astronomical Algorithm, 2nd ed, 1998) a complete treatment of the method.

Alessandro Farnese, pope, born in Rome in 1466, died in 1549. He succeeded, in 1534, to Clement VII. It was he who brought the schism of England by the bull of excommunication which he launched against Henry VIII of England. He formed with Charles-Quint the Republic of Venice a league against the Protestants and the Turks (1538), and concluded the truce of Nice between François I and the emperor. The founding of the Jesuit order (1540), the convocation of the Council of Trent (1542) and the establishment of the Inquisition in Naples took place under his pontificate, agitated by many intrigues. This pope worked with ardor for the elevation of his own family, invested his natural son, Pierre Luigi, of the duchies of Parma and Piacenza, and married his grandson Octave to Margaret of Austria, natural daughter of Charles V was a man of talent and spirit, a very skillful negotiator, but who knew such faith in astrology that he would not undertake anything without consult the constellations. Paul III loved poetry and composed verses with ease. We have letters from him full of erudition, addressed to Erasmus, Sadolet, etc. [Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle, tome 12, p. 423, 1874]

Lucae Gaurici Geophonensis... Tractatus astrologicus, Ventiis 1552 (ETH-bibliothek Zürich)
Tractatus Secundus (summorum Pontificum, cardinalium...) pp. 15-38 - p. 23

Considering that it is indicated 11 41 Horologo, it is necessary to give :
conversion italic → PM : D [pm: 5h 23' 49"]

So the birth date is : February 28, 1468 5:23 a.m. LAT (local apparent time). To convert LAT to LMC (local mean time), we need to find the equation of time and its sign. In the present case, we find :

apparent solar time    23,07h
mean solar time    23,26h
EqT    -0,1876h
sign    +
birth hour LMC    5h 34' 21"

theme :

SU is P with a [-2] score - house rgo 1 - astrodynes -2,58
MO is E with a [8] score - house rgo 2- astrodynes 1,91
ME is FA with a [-5] score - house rgo 12- astrodynes -4,88
VE is E  with a [10] score - house rgo 1- astrodynes 2
JU is D with a [-8] score - house rgo 3- astrodynes -6,58
MA is D with a [-14] score - house rgo 4- astrodynes 9,33
SA is F with a [-6] score - house rgo 2- astrodynes 3,91

points to specially watch for the duration of life: 0 in house VI ; ME  in house XII
no point
we see below the list of  aspects :
                                 JU 60 MO Or                            JU 90 VE Or                

The traditional almuten (Omar, Ibn Ezra) is JU
we see below the list of dignities for JU :
[ term 3 tri 0 rul 2 exn 0 fac 3 ]
[ su 1 mo 2 asc 0 syg 3 pof 2 ]
Note 1 : the ‘almuten figuris’ is the lord of the chart, but its determination obeys somewhat different rules according to the schools. The tradition is based above all on the zodiacal dignities. (see p,e,  Alcabitius, Introduction, 59-61, 117 and Avenezra, Nativites, 101) – almuten = al-mu’tazz (arabic term)
[7] As for the governor which is the <planet> predominating (al-mubtazz) over the birth from which one indicates the conditions of the native after the haylāğ and the kadhudāh,n it is the planet having the most leadership in the ascendant, the position<s> of the two luminaries, the position of the Lot of Fortune and the position of the degree of the conjunction or opposition which precedes the birth. When a planet has mastery over two, three or four positions by the abundance of its shares in them, it is the governor and the predominant <planet> (al-mubtazz) and the indicator after the haylāğ and the kadhudāh. From it one indicates the conditions of the native. Some people use it instead of the kadhudāh in giving life.  [Al-Qabisi , Charles Burnett, Keji Yamamoto, Michio Yano, The Introduction to Astrology, IV, 7, p, 117, Warburg, 2004]
Note 2 : There are at least 4 systems for determining the almuten depending on whether the combinations of triplicities and terms are used: the Ptolemaic almuten (followed by Lilly) with Ptolemaic terms ; the same with Egyptian terms; the almuten of Dorotheus with Ptolemaic terms ; the same with Egyptian terms, knowing that one can embellish the whole thing with different weighting system (like Lilly or not using weights like Montanus) [cf. Temperament: Astrology's Forgotten Key, p. 79, Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum 2005]

The Lilly (Ptolemaïc) almuten is VE

In our experience, it seems that Ptolemy's almuten allows one to first appreciate the static side of the natal chart and that the Lilly-type elaboration allows one to deepen the more ‘temporary’ or ‘dynamic ‘ relationships (cf, Shlomo Sela, Ibn Ezra, on Nativities and Continuous Horoscopy, appendix 6, quot 2  ; Horary astrology p, 458, Brill, 2014)
Ω  -70,3 /
the lot of Fortune has been computed according to Makransky's method (see 'Primary directions', A primer of calculation by Bob Makransky, 1988, cap X: the Arabian parts, pp. 98-103) [Makransky regio : 47,59°]

HYLEG – ALCHOCODEN – domification ,

We will first look for the somatic factors of the theme: hyleg and alchocoden. We see that MO is in X, well positioned in TAU (Exaltation) in a tropical zodiac. In the sidereal zodiac, it is in ARI (Peregrine). In global position, SA is in TRI aspect with MO and in dignity of TERM. In this occurrence, MO is HYLEG and SA is ALCHOCODEN. In zodiac position, JU is in TRI aspect with MO but has no dignity. The scope of this information depends on whether or not MO is hyleg and alchocoden at the same time because MO is in TAU. According to tradition, when the hyleg is SU or MO and does not have an aspect with another planet, this is the case. So it seems that here MO cannot be considered both hyleg and alchocoden.
In the upper chart we see that the nativity is diurnal (or nocturnal) and the moon is waxing (waning). This immediately makes it possible to orient the search for the hyleg towards SU or MO. We then seek the point which is both in Ptolemaic aspect and in dignity with the hyleg. This is the alchocoden. In the lower table, information is given on the alchocoden point (including dignity, power, retrograde, the house situation and especially the important fact of knowing if the alchocoden point is within 5° of the next cusp, in which case it must be removed (or added if he is retrograde) a certain number of degrees (life points).Finally, it may be necessary to add points depending on the place of JU and VE in relation to the upper meridian or the rising.


In our research, we hypothesised that the mundane chart alone should be considered; also we must base on the aspects taken in the semi-arcs the research of the degrees likely to be considered in the duration of the life.
In the case of Paulus III we have the table above which allows us to estimate the breakdown of aspects between the different planets and the alchocoden.
When considering a theme, the first thing is to observe whether it is diurnal or nocturnal. In the case of Paulus III, it is NOCTURNAL.
In this case, the first point to check is SU. If  SU is well disposed, it can claim 1st stage to be HYLEG.

SU is P and therefore seems weak, with a dignity score of [0],
But, when we look for the dignities that appear in the zodiacal inscription of MO, we find none.
we find at least one aspect to match with the dignities
We'll see later what we get when we search for mundane dignities.
Now that we know that we cannot consider SU as hyleg, we are left with MO we find aspect to match with the dignities

Now that we doubt to take MO as hyleg, we are left with the choice of ASC and that of POF. It is the way in which is laid out MO which will indicate the choice to us. If MO is waxing, we take ASC for hyleg ; if MO is waning, we take POF for hyleg,
It turns out that MO is waxing; so we will take ASC,

Now we must look for the alchocoden: it is the planet which has the maximum dignity with regard to the hyleg and which exchanges a Ptolemaic aspect with the hyleg.
if we consider the MUNDANE system, we observe a sextil aspect of JU.
At the same time, it appears that JU has  dignity of TERM over ASC.
So we have two possibilities with our hypothesis : first choose MO for hyleg ; second choose the MUNDANE system and try to find another couple of hyleg/alchocoden,
If we choose now MO we must know that , Al-Qabisi agree with this choice
In case of MO is the Hyleg, there is then two candidates to be alchocoden: JU and MO
First, we have to see which candidate has the most dignity: here, JU has candidate alcho dignities referring to MO : [TERM]
First, JU is linked with MO by a [sextil] aspect and a [TERM] dignity, second MO can't be alchocoden because exchanging a ray with JU [sextil]
However, JU is [D] and has a power of [-5], and so JU has a bad Kadkhudah score of [6]
JU is located at 81,35° at more than 5° from [Δ degrees cups sup [IV] : 20,76° (90)] and has a domitude regio of : [110,76] for a latitude of [-0,06°]


1)- Created cardinal 20 September 1493 by Alexander V


speculum Lat Dec AR MD SA HA
SU - -4,78 S 348,93 101,12 D 85,61 D -15,51 W
∆JU 0,03 N -18,04 S 311,42 63,61 D 72,66 D 9,05 W

– MD = meridian distance (from MC if SA f [SU]  is diurnal or IC if Sa f  is nocturnal)
– SA = semi-arc (if f is diurnal, SA f [SU] is D and all MD’s and SA’s are D, otherwise N
– HA = horizontal distance (from the nearest horizon W or E for f [SU] and m ∆JU)
under bracket [] the fixed point, (here SU)



A2 ∆JU A1 SU A1 SU A2 ∆JU A2 ∆JU A1 SU
Tan A tan dec/cos dm

B (1) +LG-A or -LG+A

Tan C cot DM.cos B/cos A

Sin pole (2) Cos C.sin LG

Sin DA (3) Tan pole A1.Tan Dec A2
Tan pole A2. Tan Dec A1
DAP -4,23 -16,71 -17,11 -4,33
AO (4) AR ± DA
353,16 -31,88 -31,47 353,25
arc AO1 – AO2



(1) B must be treated as positive number
(2) sign of pole has the same sens of LG for DA Here, DA = DA/pole A
(3) sign [-] if pole and Dec have the opposite sign – sign [+] if planet located in western half, sign [-] if planet located in eastern half ; Signs [+] and [-] must be reversed for births in the southern hemisphere
(4) to find AO of a star A2 under the pole of A1, we calculate the  DA of A2 under the pole A1 ex: tan pôleA1.tan DecA2=sin DA A2/poleA1
(5) algorithm from Gouchon (‘Dictionnaire astrologique’, Dervy, 1946, 1975, p, 276, attributed to H. Selva) ; Martin Gansten (‘Primary directions’, pp. 155-157, 2009, Wessex Astrologer) - instructions for use only appear in Gansten – Astrologia gallica, Morin de Villefranche, trad Holden (appendix 5, pp, 151-153) -

Y 24,73 - Δ 0,96
BRAHE : 0° 59' 41"
key convert 1,005


DP PLACIDUS Plac direct Plac conv
sa1/dm1 1,14 1,20
sa2 85,61 107,34
x 74,95 89,70
dm² 101,12 116,39
sign -1 -1

arc 26,17 26,69

X = sa2.dm1/sa1
sign : if the two points are on either side of the meridian, take +1 ; otherwise -1
Arc = dm2 ± sign.x

arc = 26.17 Y

2) Ordination 26 June 1519


speculum Lat Dec AR MD SA HA
SU - -4,78 S 348,93 101,12 D 85,61 D -15,51 W
*VE -0,76 S -23,81 S 282,04 34,23 D 66,18 D 31,95 W

– MD = meridian distance (from MC if SA f [SU]  is diurnal or IC if Sa f  is nocturnal)
– SA = semi-arc (if f is diurnal, SA f [SU] is D and all MD’s and SA’s are D, otherwise N
– HA = horizontal distance (from the nearest horizon W or E for f [SU] and m *VE)
under bracket [] the fixed point, (here SU)



A2 *VE A1 SU A1 SU A2 *VE A2 *VE A1 SU
Tan A tan dec/cos dm

B (1) +LG-A or -LG+A

Tan C cot DM.cos B/cos A

Sin pole (2) Cos C.sin LG

Sin DA (3) Tan pole A1.Tan Dec A2
Tan pole A2. Tan Dec A1
DAP (*) -4,23 -22,92 -18,84 -3,51
AO (4) AR ± DA
353,16 -55,04 -59,12 352,43
arc AO1 – AO2



1) B must be treated as positive number
(2) sign of pole has the same sens of LG for DA Here, DA = DA/pole A
(3) sign [-] if pole and Dec have the opposite sign – sign [+] if planet located in western half, sign [-] if planet located in eastern half ; Signs [+] and [-] must be reversed for births in the southern hemisphere
(4) to find AO of a star A2 under the pole of A1, we calculate the  DA of A2 under the pole A1 ex: tan pôleA1.tan DecA2=sin DA A2/poleA1
(5) algorithm from Gouchon (‘Dictionnaire astrologique’, Dervy, 1946, 1975, p, 276, attributed to H. Selva) ; Martin Gansten (‘Primary directions’, pp, 155-157, 2009, Wessex Astrologer) - instructions for use only appear in Gansten – Astrologia gallica, Morin de Villefranche, trad Holden (appendix 5, pp, 151-153) - (*) ascensional difference under own pole

Y 51,55 Δ = 0,01
BRAHE : 0° 59' 41"
key convert 1,005

DP PLACIDUS Plac direct Plac conv
sa1/dm1 1,93 1,20
sa2 85,61 113,82
x 44,28 95,12
dm² 101,12 145,77
sign -1 -1

arc 56,84 50,65

X = sa2.dm1/sa1
sign : if the two points are on either side of the meridian, take +1 ; otherwise -1
Arc = dm2 ± sign.x

arc = 56.84 Y

3) Papacy began 13 October 1534


It is one of the most powerful directions intervening in social destiny. It is interesting to note that it coincides with another direction, conversely this one: ☌☉ ∗☽ (in relation to the mundane ∗ radix MO-JU).

speculum Lat Dec AR MD SA HA
SU - -4,78 S 348,93 78,88 N 94,39 N 15,51 W
∆MO 3,8 N 28,36 N 81,26 13,46 N 60,39 N 46,93 W

– MD = meridian distance (from MC if SA f [SU]  is diurnal or IC if Sa f  is nocturnal)
– SA = semi-arc (if f is diurnal, SA f [SU] is D and all MD’s and SA’s are D, otherwise N
– HA = horizontal distance (from the nearest horizon W or E for f [SU] and m ∆MO)
under bracket [] the fixed point, (here SU)
- Lat ∆MO 3,8 N and lat MO : 5° 4' 60"



Tan A tan dec/cos dm

B (1) +LG-A or -LG+A

Tan C cot DM.cos B/cos A

Sin pole (2) Cos C.sin LG

Sin DA (3) Tan pole A1.Tan Dec A2
Tan pole A2. Tan Dec A1
DAP (*) 7,98 -1,55 -4,23 22,19
AO (4) AR ± DA
88,56 -12,63 -6,85 58,40
arc AO1 – AO2



(1) B must be treated as positive number
(2) sign of pole has the same sens of LG for DA Here, DA = DA/pole A
(3) sign [-] if pole and Dec have the opposite sign – sign [+] if planet located in western half, sign [-] if planet located in eastern half ; Signs [+] and [-] must be reversed for births in the southern hemisphere
(4) to find AO of a star A2 under the pole of A1, we calculate the  DA of A2 under the pole A1 ex: tan pôleA1.tan DecA2=sin DA A2/poleA1
(5) algorithm from Gouchon (‘Dictionnaire astrologique’, Dervy, 1946, 1975, p, 276, attributed to H. Selva) ; Martin Gansten (‘Primary directions’, pp, 155-157, 2009, Wessex Astrologer) - instructions for use only appear in Gansten – Astrologia gallica, Morin de Villefranche, trad Holden (appendix 5, pp, 151-153) - (*) ascensional difference under own pole

Y 65,25 Δ = 1,69
BRAHE : 0° 59' 41"
key convert 1,005

DP PLACIDUS Plac direct Plac conv
sa1/dm1 1,20 5,24
sa2 66,95 94,39
x 55,95 18,02
dm² 12,78 78,88
sign 1 1

arc 68,73 96,90

X = sa2.dm1/sa1
sign : if the two points are on either side of the meridian, take +1 ; otherwise -1
Arc = dm2 ± sign.x

arc = 68.73 Y

4) death 10 November 1549


promissor : MO 46°51' + 3°12' of PM (for 81.7 Y)
significator : right ◻ MA 290° 54'


According to the latitudes, two important references remain to be delivered:
- Morin de Villefranche, Gallic Astrology, volume XVI concerning Cardan dans le 'Book on the Judgments of Genitures, chap 7, p. 444, vol 5, 1663 ed
- trans. Cardan chap 7 in Morin, Gallic Astrology, volume XXII, pp. 123-126
The apparatus that the passage concerning the latitudes of Bianchini is designed by Cardan in this section, noting the values to be taken for the sextile and the trigone (and not by Bianchini).

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